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John Lawrence

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Everything posted by John Lawrence

  1. You can just put me on ignore as I have done for you two. It works well. And we can all be happy.
  2. This town looks like it is secured from looters.
  3. Houston did it right yesterday. Houston has always had less racial tension than most cities its size. I tend to think there is so many different large groups of different colors, none really control anything. We have lots of whites, blacks, Asians, Indians/pakis, and Latinx.
  4. I’m going to place you on ignore because I don’t want to go down this road.
  5. I didn’t start it. I responded to it. And I don’t want any more substantive posts on it here because it’s cloak room that doesn’t belong here.
  6. I got cursed hard by two friends last night because they are close friends with Art. And I brought up “at least they didn’t tape her”
  7. Good. The tape should tell the story. And if the tape wasn’t running, fire them immediately and charge them.
  8. You can go to the Twitter feed I linked and he addresses that. My real last post on the issue. I’m going back to posting videos.
  9. I’m backing out though. This kind of discussion even on stats will lead to cloak rooming. My last post on this subject.
  10. Not really true. If you put female in there it would be. Unarmed whites get clipped plenty. I think last year it was 17 whites and 9 blacks.
  11. Most actually don’t. Unarmed people being shot by cops are statistically pretty rare.
  12. I mean wasn’t he taking away for armed robbery? And given 5 years. What’s the beef on that? From the crime he did commit, he should have gone away a lot longer. I hate the war on drugs. But strict sentencing and disparities in powder versus crack cocaine was a bipartisan and biracial endeavor. and blacks being fucked over by the criminal justice isn’t something that’s gotten worse the last 70 years. It’s probably better than it was in the 50s. But fatherless black homes have gotten worse and worse the last 50 years.
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