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Posts posted by TheRealRonWeaver?

  1. 1 hour ago, Macklemore said:

    Can’t wait for November 5. The base is more fired up and determined than ever. This has woken up even the normie soft cuckservatives. This is do or die time for Republicans in Congress. If they do their usual turtle job bullshit, the stage is set for a hard right nationalist party to take its place. I have been wanting that to happen since volunteering for Pat Buchanan’s campaign back in college. We were fringe back then but now we’re poised to overthrow the rotting corpse that is the Republican Party. Enjoy tonight with the rest of the CR gang. I will be back here to gloat and lick y’all’s tears on election night.

    Baby cried the day the circus came to town
    'cause she didn't want parades just passin' by her
    So she painted on a smile and took up with some clown
    While she danced without a net upon the wire
    I know a lot about 'er 'cause, you see
    Baby is an awful lot like me
    Don't cry out loud
    Just keep it inside, learn how to hide your feelings
    Fly high and proud
    And if you should fall, remember you almost had it all
    Baby saw that when they pulled that big top down
    They left behind her dreams among the litter
    The different kind of love she thought she'd found
    There was nothin' left but sawdust and some glitter
    But baby can't be broken 'cause you see
    She had the finest teacher-that was me-I told 'er
    Don't cry out loud
    Just keep it inside and learn how to hide your feelings
    Fly high and proud
    And if you should fall, remember you almost had it all
    Don't cry out loud
    Just keep it inside and learn how to hide your feelings
    Fly high and proud
    And if you should fall, remember you almost made it
    Don't cry out loud
    Just keep it inside and learn how to hide your feelings
    Fly high and proud
    And if you should fall, remember you almost had it all
    • Like 1
  2. 38 minutes ago, Hagbard Celine said:

    7 things going for us, which are nice:

    1. A first down is TEN YARDS, not 14.

    2. When we make a first down, while the sticks are moving forward, the ball will not be spotted 2 yards back.

    3. On any down, when we make the line to gain, the ball will not be spotted 2 yards back, stealing the first down.

    4. Holding - i know we've forgotten it's a rule enforced against the opposition on both sides of the ball - but it's actually a thing

    5. Open Bitchassedness - refs jawing with our players openly displaying their non-neutral hostility during the run of play - it's absence will be evident

    6. Here's a list of various types of ethics violations: fraud, deceptive practices, subversion and unprofessional conduct.  I have been searching for reports of this type of behaviour by the Commissioner of the SEC, however I am unable to find any

    7. PI - we've already seen it called on the SEC bellcow in our stadium.   This bodes well.   Of course, we could always draw rig zebras in the playoffs....  (yes i know the pic i'm using was sugarbowl w/ b1g refs) but illustrates the point


    sugar bowl 24 not interference at all.jpg

    Spoiler that shit, please.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  3. 8 hours ago, RomaVicta said:


    What does this say about the state of Aggie football? 

    Replace their name with Arizona State or Oklahoma State or South Carolina, and what really changes?

    Don't put OSU in the same category as A&M.

    1 hour ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    Second largest?

    Exactly. It's actually the polar opposite of "exclusive."

  4. 13 minutes ago, GenXer said:

    I was on a collin county jury in the late 90’s. Neither the prosecution, defense attorney or judge asked me any questions. I was something like prospective juror #30 out of 50. Maybe both attorneys had used all their dismissals by that point but I found it surprising that no questions were asked of me.

    You were so ugly no one wanted to have to look at your face three days in a row?

  5. What are y'all talking about? I think y'all think someone else is me. 
    I'm the guy who thinks ain't shit gonna happen, not because shit shouldn't happen, but because ain't shit ever happened.
    I mean, insinuating that I might be a fox news watcher?? 
    Wait... Do y'all think I drive a 6 cylinder Camaro?

    4 cylinder.
    • Haha 1
  6. Ewers has some pinpoint throws but doesn't have the field vision of a great QB, often overlooking obvious targets.  He's Phillip Rivers 2.0, great natural talent but could not put the mental part of the game with the physical. 

  7. I don't want to suck off Arch too much here, and I feel the need to clarify that I deffo want Quinn to start and appreciate whole-heartedly how Ewers has lead Texas back to national relevance and understand how much of that is specifically on Quinn Ewers himself proving to be a legitimate all-time Texas QB. But if I'm feeling honest here, I feel like the tipping point for Texas football was when Arch committed. It's not that Arch himself turned Texas around, but rather his commitment was a "Grow the beard" moment for the football program. That is the singular point when news about Texas football flipped from the default news being disappointment, to being on the upswing. It felt like the moment UT Football got it's mojo back, like Arch committing coincided with the malaise being slapped out of the program. It honestly felt quite a bit like Ricky Williams winning the heisman, in how Texas was able to spring board off the good vibes energy emanating off of Arch's commitment and turn it into something worth getting excited about. I feel happy for the current students in Austin, because UT Football being great was an enormous part of my college experience and made my run at UT feel completely magical, like some of the best memories of my life. I'm happy a generation of new longhorns will get to experience the fun that comes when Texas is a force in college football.

    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Haha 1
  8. Islam requires a pretty strict adherence to the removal of body hair…. Especially public hair.
    In addition circumcision is also part of the religious practice / tradition.
    Therefore, the women of Iran are likely not hairy…. And possibly completely bare down there in addition to the men being circumcised with manscaped pubes….. something actually akin to the US from the early 00’s to mid 2010’s.
    Anecdotally, the Turkish girl I would hook up with was super big on showers before / after sex in addition to being completely shaved. If we showered together I couldn’t touch her / get down until she washed / ‘said a payer’ or did her little meditation. Even though she wasnt super religious and more of the secular Turkish tradition/ dated a fool like me / had sex before marriage the cleanliness aspect of Islam remained ingrained.

    That is all.

  9. 15 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Trump wants to be a dictator.  HE FUCKING SAID SO, UNAMBIGUOUSLY.

    Trump admires dictators.  HE HAS FUCKING SAID/DONE SO, REPEATEDLY.


    If you support Donald Trump, you are pro-dicator, and ANTI-democracy.  Period.  Full stop.  There is no argument, there is no explaining away.  Own it: you support an anti-American, anti-democracy authoritarian state.  You are a fucking piece of shit fascist.  

    Please dumb it down for the American reader.

    • Haha 2
  10. I will leave the thread. This will be my last post and it will be in response to you as the owner. 
    The obvious reason no one has made one, despite Trump winning a presidential election and being the republican nominee for another (now squint and think really hard)  is because this subforum is a borderline violently singular identity based subforum. Much like the neo-democratic party it is a subforum of groupthink where you fall in line or you get crowdsourced. There is zero open discussion. There is zero bipartisan talk. That isnt because people that are right center or further dont exist. It is because this website has failed to curate a place for open discussion. 
    I will probably create a thread. I will probably get crowdsourced over time from this one. It is a website. It doesn't matter. Just remember, in November, when Trump wins to look in the mirror. Dont blame fascists or neo nazis. Progressivism pushed the American population to vote Trump. 

    And God blesh the United Shtates.
    • Haha 3
  11. Youre the fucking moron who cant understand that decades of political clout get him certain privilege and access
    while also maintaining that his cognitive ability is massively declining
    He's not fit to be President. Doesnt mean he didnt take advantage of stuff 5 years ago.

    Ree bee doo gaaah
  12. I am trolling people who are obviously being aggressive. Like calling my avatar a ladyboy. I would love to engage in discussion. I know that is very hard for some in here. Some are probably willing to do it.

    Birth certificate or genitals inspection or STFU.
    • Haha 1
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