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noun- When one derives amusement from watching people lose their minds online because another school hired away their baseball coach.

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2024 Spring Practice to Fall Camp Thread - Who’s a JAG now?
Get your glass of koolaid and get ready to chug.
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I was bored and went through the coaching staffs for each of the remaining playoff teams.  Listed below are the coaches who seemed like possibilities to me (but I'm an idiot).  They all have some college coaching experience and in the case of one an extensive HS coaching background.  A couple of entries have pretty light resumes but have long NFL careers.

Houston Texans:
Jacques Cesaire DL coach - 5 years at Univ of San Diego as DL coach, 9 years as DE for San Diego Chargers
Rod Wright Asst DL Coach

Green Bay Packers:
Jerry Montgomery DL coach -11 years in college at OU, Michigan, Wyoming.  Last 9 years in NFL

Detroit Lions:
John Scott Jr. DL Coach - First year in Detroit.  Previously coached at Penn St., South Carolina, and Arkansas
Wayne Blair QC - Long time Florida HS head coach, spent last two years coaching DLine in Detroit.  Played at Tulane and CFL

Buffalo Bills:
Marcus West Asst D-Line - Prior to joining Bills in 2022 spent 14 years as college D-Line coach (Charlotte, Minn, Austin Peay)

San Francisco 49ers:
Darryl Tapp Asst D-Line - 12 year NFL veteran.  Coached D-Line at V-Tech for 2 seasons.  Joined 49ers in 2022.
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I'm not doing well about it, at all. 

That's because we had our championship window of opportunity, which is now closed. 

Why? Because now we face another, more potent opponent. The Fightin' Aggies of Texas A&M University. 
They have THE best traditions in all of college. Plus, they've already surpassed us in baseball and basketball. Don't believe me? Consider this recent post from TexasAgs: "We've already surpassed them in baseball and basketball." 

What's more, they demonstrated an unquenchable commitment to success when they paid a coach $78 MILLION to leave. That's right. $78 million to a coach they had presented a future national championship trophy to stop coaching, and they did it mid-season without a replacement locked-in. While it seems like this is poor financial management by their athletic department, it shows a spirit of winning we could only dream about. 

Now, they've brought in a coach who gets them. That's right. He EMBRACES their traditions. And he has a great nickname, The Elk, which pairs with The Station quite nicely. We don't even have an amazing nickname for our city. 


Finally, when you compare the two football programs, A&M comes out ahead. As many of their posters continually point out, they faced a much better Alabama team than we did AND ALMOST WON. Plus, they paid tribute to their near-win against the second-best team in the Big 12.  

Now that they've moved on from many of their players from the best recruiting class of all time, and have had multiple highly ranked recruits opt out, they are ready to win even more championships with hardworking farm boys from small towns. 

Thanks for indulging my meltdown. I'm skeered real good.   
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You can go into your profile and associate those accounts to yours - they will let you sign in faster and conveniently instead of having to remember your password etc.

Sign ups should also be significantly faster/easier for new people to join the conversation. 

Existing members go here to link your google account: https://www.surlyhorns.com/board/settings/login/?service=3

and here to link your msft account: https://www.surlyhorns.com/board/settings/login/?service=8
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Contact Your Coon-Ass Friends To Prepare Their Cyber Anus

Is it bad that they have my name, address, Social Security number and birth date other Barry?
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Y’all really think Jimbo is gonna sit on the sidelines and watch as 2 men take turns doing the one thing he loves?
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Post in Texas vs tech - 2:30pm on ESPN
It worked last week..

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Post in Roadkill vs trampling longhorns LHN 7 PM
Post in Roadkill vs trampling longhorns LHN 7 PM
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Post in UTSA VS Texas 9/17/22
Repeat after me:

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Post in 8.29.22 Coach Sark PC at 11 am
Post in 8.29.22 Coach Sark PC at 11 am
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I gotta get these fucking cups out of my office and I don't want to ship them out if at all possible. So instead I am using it as an excuse to get drunk with some Surly idiots. Location will be at Pinkertons BBQ in Houston and on a Thursday because they will have dollar shiners. All Surly members welcome but you will be publicly shamed by all attendants into becoming a burnt ends member while there. Yall can pick the date, the 13th probably works best for me but I am open to any of the three. @immamac will host another one in Austin at some point in the near future and there will be another opportunity when we get the Burnt Ends dinner scheduled (Probably February or March). Whatever cups are left after that we will ship out. Whatever date we have picked I will be there from probably 11:30 till 6pm or so as people filter in and out. Password is Muledick
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So much win in this thread!!
Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
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"So where is the money coming from?"

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I started yesterday afternoon, and cooked up a demo in React/Material-UI in a little under 24 hours, just to play around. Here's an idea of what something could look like:


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Surly Horns Burnt Ends NIL Program- How YOU can help Texas with the NIL right now!
Enough bitching, enough sitting on the sidelines, CDC isn't doing fucking dick but we can! Introducing Surly Horns Burnt Ends NIL Program. This is how we make a difference, if we can get enough interest and hit the numbers that we forecasted, that is a huge step towards getting at least one position group taken care of (possibly two pending interest and people actually putting their money where their mouths are) with the hopes that others will follow with other less appreciated position groups. Bijan, Card, even guys like Jamison and Overshown won't have issues getting paid when the NIL is fully rolled out (hopefully fucking soon, looking at you @closetojumping)or when CDC gets his head pulled out of his ass (Doubtful, fucking moron).

Next Steps, I gauge interest through this article and see what the financials actually look like (You won't be charged dick till this shit actually gets rolled out), we get a liaison in the TE room to help facilitate scheduling, we get this bitch through compliance (Don't think this should be an issue but....), then we start to roll it out to the TEs! All the profit is going directly to the TEs, and the website will be handling the money (No Ketch bullshit). We will mail everyone's Cups and stickers and shit once things have been rolling. We will need some help designing a logo (paging @TreatyOak). This is a great opportunity for us to have some fun with the NIL, get some kids some cash legally and above board, help improve TE recruiting and keep talented TEs on the team and out of the portal. If you have any suggestions, questions or grievances shoot me and @immamac a DM. This is how we help!


Burnt Ends- NIL Program.pptx
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*I have returned from my slumber. And before anyone says shit about the fact that I have obviously moved on from my original medium, just know that if I had to finger bang a touch pad one more time, I was never doing this again. So with that said, enjoy the show, you degenerates.

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  • 270 replies


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  • 66 replies

Post in Texas Recruiting Notes 2022 - Idiotic Slapfights Unrelated To 2022 Recruiting
Post in Texas Recruiting Notes 2022 - All Gas No Brakes
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Spring Practice Updates - Offseason Sucks Edition
The most interesting thing other than the Bijan run (which we will get into later) that happened this last week is that WE FINALLY SOLVED THE MYSTERY. We figured out who Steve Sarkisian looks like.


Blammo, we can not put it to bed. I know it has been bothering Longhorn Fans all over the world ever since Sark was announced to be the new HFC at the Great University of Texas. 

Back to your regularly scheduled badassery. Check this run out.

If this doesn't get the blood pumping to your special parts, then you don't like longhorn football and you can now close out the article, because what we are about to talk about is only for those willing to enter the Burnt Orange Cathedral that Bijan and Co. are building.

Bijan Robinson is the truth, he cuts on turf like a sheepshead darts through the shallows off the coast. He is truly in his element on the field and it's going to be something special to watch in the upcoming season.

But wait, this grown ass man would like a word:

RoJo should still starts - he isn't RB2 at this point, due to his incredible physicality and gift for creating yards where there are none to be had. There will be a true 2 headed monster coming out of the Texas Backfield this Fall and it's going to be glorious. 

I almost forgot in all the excitement to talk about SCHOOLER switching to safety. Yep, you heard that right - he is officially moving away from WR and moving to Safety for the '21 season. 

I mean check out these 2 mean ass dudes, BJ Foster and Kitan Crawford - these dudes look ready to shut down anything coming their way.

With that we get into pure and rampant speculation because we have absolutely dick to go off of as far as film, or anything else. The 9.95ers got the opportunity for some media availability with Sark, Okafor and Gbenda. All completely worthless information given in all the interviews. 
  • 8 replies

First Week of Full Pads Spring Practice 2021
As we wrap up the first week of full pads, full speed practice I thought it would be a good time to give our surly readers something to digest over the weekend and going into next week. 

In true 9.95er fashion, I'm going to make up all kinds of things and nothing, I mean nothing in this post is going to be worth a damn as far as insider information is concerned, but it's going to get your blood pumping and make you think you know a lot more than anyone actually does about what is going on in spring practice.

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  • 21 replies

My Tech alumni dad:  I guess loyalty means nothing to Chris Beard

Me:  Are you loyal to Tech?

Tech dad: Of course

Me: Why?

Tech dad: Because I graduated from Tech


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Post in 2020-2021 PGA Tour thread
Scottie today

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