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  1. Let that be a lesson on lollygagging for all.
  2. Yup. This is prime time for him to show out and build up the price in FA. He’s losing future money with this injury keeping him off the field. No way he is slow rolling this.
  3. Maybe the most fun I’ve ever had at the movies. Go see it this weekend so none of the surprises are spoiled for you.
  4. Guadaloopy

    Getting old sucks

    This comment slams and goes hard. I’m one of those weird guys who likes to do it himself. I bought good gear that I enjoy using, so I don’t mind popping in the AirPods and having a few hours to myself outside. Plus, there’s just something about that feeling of looking at that perfectly kept yard knowing that I did that. A simple pleasure.
  5. Waited until the roll out was complete before turning on D+ to binge it. Knocked it out over the past couple of days. By Star Wars standards, it is definitely below average. That said, I always enjoy another peek into the Star Wars universe, especially if it tries to do something a bit different. They get points for effort. New worlds, new force users, new mythology, I’m here for it. You’ve got to expect that a sprawling IP like Star Wars is going to have some sub-par entries. Keep experimenting and trying new things and it will give us more gems, too. We can’t have it both ways. Can’t complain that TFA is a retread of ANH or “enough of the Skywalkers” and then turn around and bitch when a completely new story is put forward, even if it doesn’t 100% work. Star Wars isn’t going anywhere, and I’m glad that we no longer have to wait over a decade between entries. The faster pace is worth a less than stellar entry every once in a while.
  6. Guadaloopy

    Getting old sucks

    Was traveling earlier this month and the yard got a bit out of hand while we were away. Took me about 6 hours spread over three of the hottest days of the year to get it back to good. I guess the combo of pollen, dust, and heat triggered something and I had a massive outbreak of hives. Fucking miserable. Couldn't sleep at all from the discomfort and ended up at urgent care where they prescribed a 12-day tapered regimen of prednisone. The pred completely knocked out the hives for several days, but now that I've tapered down to 20 mg a day, some hives are starting to pop back up. I am completely confining myself indoors with good AC. No yard work, no fishing, no golf, no activity at all. I'm about to lose my mind. Never once had hives in my life before turning 50 a couple years back.
  7. Wife was scheduled to fly to DC for work this past Sunday on Delta. After getting the runaround on whether or not the flight was actually going to go for 7 hours, she was able to get her checked bags back and come home. They had her rebooked for a flight to leave this AM but actually canceled it yesterday afternoon, so she had an opportunity to get with her corporate travel agency and get rebooked on American today. She finally made it to DC two days late. In the grand scheme of things, not a big deal, but listening to her deal with Delta for the past three days kept bringing this to mind:
  8. Servais going to the pen to face Yordan. Time is a flat circle.
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