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Burnt Ends
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Gatorubet last won the day on February 25 2023

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  1. My home rain gauge for this month says I’ve gotten 13 inches of rain so far with a week to go. So very different than last year
  2. Living under the Texas political elite has you covered on that sacrifice thing.
  3. I was going to put this in one of your three new threads that are exactly the same, but I read the rules and I can’t use this gif Did I mention you posted three identical threads?
  4. The word conservative has an actual historical meaning in politics. The GQP and Trump are not conservatives in any sense of their policies if you throw out abortion as an issue. He is a fuck you pay me candidate. Please go to CR and tell us why you want to vote for Mac Brown for president.
  5. Joe Hamilton, former Gator recruiter who went to A&M, is now back at the Swamp. Joe is much better than the guy he just replaced. Me likey.
  6. My former law partner just put this up on her Facebook page
  7. Well, I’m going on the 8th. I will be the older drunk white guy staring at your wife. Unless you were talking about weather.
  8. Amazon has free delivery on a six dollar small bottle of the highly ranked sauce you recommended. Thanks for the heads up I’ll give it a go
  9. No fucking way it is that Hannibal. Hannibal lost. Like a dog. To somebody named Africanus
  10. While not as hot as some of the hottest, I just really like the flavor of the yellow scotch bonnet hot sauces. The little bottle is one of several I re-ordered from some small vendor on Pike Street market in Seattle. I go through them like crazy, but for some reason, they don’t have a larger bottle, so I buy several of the small ones at a time. I splash them on all burgers and chicken sandwiches - and on most egg dishes I have for breakfast.
  11. that roux color is exactly right would scarf till bloating
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