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About Burt

  • Birthday January 12

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  1. Laura may be coming around. Is "men with no uteruses should not be allowed to make decisions for women" her next flex?
  2. If I die in my sleep, they'll be able to say the same of me. And it wont matter which night it happens.
  3. But at least Lou Dobbs. Makes me feel a little better about the others.
  4. It doesn't matter who he is. Didn't you hear him??? But he sounds a lot like this guy to me.
  5. Yes! We just had a mishap a week ago. My wife and daughter went out with some of her friends and their daughters for a girl's day out on the lake with a friend's pontoon. As they were coming in to top off the tank, her friend got out of the throttle and one of the 8 yr old girls went over the front, funneled between the two pontoons and got hit by the prop. Cut her thigh almost to the bone (luckily, missed her femoral artery), had a big cut on her head, and fractured her pelvis. But she had her life jacket on so they were able to get to her. Note: had that been me going over the front, I'd hope I didn't have on a lifejacket in hopes I could get deep enough to be missed by the prop!
  6. Wow, was just watching an old video of Conan interviewing Tiffani Thiessen a few hours ago, and that got me to thinking about Doherty and wondering how much longer she had left. I guess the answer was about 6 hours. Trying hard not to think about Willie right now!
  7. I've yet to meet anyone who is "pro-abortion". Pro-choice, yes. But those two terms are not the same.
  8. Some of the replies...
  9. If he stays in, I'M gonna need to be on drugs 24/7.
  10. And the people who need to be convinced of this, upon hearing Jeffries say it, asked, "Alexa, what does dastardly mean?"
  11. I wish them luck in figuring out a way to deny women access to their bank account. Been trying to do that to my wife for a couple of decades now. It will not work!
  12. Wish Cruz would pull an Abbott and jump under a falling tree.
  13. RRPD said they were gonna hold a press conference at 230 am, but it apparently has not yet started.
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