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F250 last won the day on March 6 2021

F250 had the most liked content!


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  1. Meh, I'm more offended by Constitutional Christians.
  2. This reminded me of MASH. Frank Burns attempted to get a Purple Heart a couple of times in different episodes for ridiculous reasons.
  3. Why does Corpus Christi always smell like bad beer farts?
  4. No. I'm usually hovering around the pit snaking small pieces of BBQ until I eventually consume more than my share before everyone has a chance to get some.
  5. This is a hard read. Out of all the shit he does this is the most disgusting. To abandon your own child and then malign them like is awful. The dude deserves a slow lonely painful death, like being left in the woods to slowly die of ass cancer.
  6. Abbott has already removed Harris county from the board.
  7. The schadenfreude of watching the JD Vance incompetence is reminiscent of Jimbo at aggy. Hopefully, JD remains for the rest of the season and if not may the replacement process be like aggy ending up with the fat Elk.
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