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  1. FBI is just deep state running Biden’s orchestrated plan. Fake news.
  2. tbone_

    Getting old sucks

    Dad had Barrett’s and died from esophageal surgery complications (unrelated to the esophagus issue). Do not fuck around with your upper gi issues.
  3. That’s a cool story. Around the same time ago my company hired Ray fucking Charles to play a company event. I did not get to sit around and buy him drinks but it was indeed cool af. That’s all I got.
  4. I guess Buffalo ain’t geared for him and Paul
  5. Not when a monsoon rolls up. That’s for sure.
  6. 35 year old songs still feel new to me.
  7. https://www.facebook.com/share/Xm8uSZmm2ATDP6py/?mibextid=WC7FNe
  8. All this assumes the average redneck could get up the ladder
  9. Rough day at Lake Pleasant yesterday https://www.facebook.com/share/p/rcV1K3jrqBEoMNyo/?mibextid=K35XfP
  10. Yea on a perfectly still and crisp December morning shooting at a deer. I’m guessing Bubba might be slightly less accurate when shooting at the fucking president knowing he will die in about 30 seconds after he pulls the trigger with the whole world watching.
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