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Certifiably Surly
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About Reagan1k

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  1. Yeah- he’s got a wonky blade looking thing coming out of his base. Wide and flat iirc. He’s a load body-wise. That mature, sway-back characteristic doesn’t show as much in our hill country bucks as it does further south.
  2. I'm not sure why this seems counterintuitive for most in this discussion...perhaps the worrying about the court of public opinion and tabloids?? As @SquishMitten and @TwiceHorn have explained........Your best avenue for cooperation is through your attorney. If I stumble through an answer or appear evasive to one of the cops, it can derail their entire investigation and put the microscope on me. If I'm innocent, hell especially if I am innocent, then I am most helpful and useful speaking to the police and cooperating in their investigation via an experienced criminal attorney.
  3. Old, well fed buck had been MIA on any cameras since July. Made an appearance when the weather cooled off. Guessing he felt like posturing through as he never stopped to eat. Appears to have gotten the attention he wanted.
  4. Yep - something like a barrel being a tad to short on a rifle or a tax stamp missing on another type of NFA item will getcha when they want it to. Could be a 100 things but they found what they needed to find to hold him.
  5. I'm really digging the vintage M8 4x optics. Very clear. and if fixed 4x was good enough for O'Conner I guess its good enough for me. I'm not sure who WRM is, but his heirs didn't want his rifle I guess so I took it off their hands. I may change the bottom plate, but am in no hurry. Very pleased with the furniture on this rifle. Going to break it down and see if I can identify the stock-maker by some markings.
  6. My new to me Bob, built on a 1958 Model 70 action.
  7. I think there is at least one big fan of the Weatherby chamberings on here. Richmond Auctions has a bunch of Weatherby custom shop rifles from the late ‘60 / early 70’s - engraved and inlaid. Most if not all on Day 2 of the auction. May your wallet beware.
  8. The CMP evidently just got a shipment of the government storage boxes that held the old 1911s they've been slowly releasing. These were all serialized. They've taken the time to research and cross the box numbers to the 1911s already shipped and are contacting owners that they can get the original box that matches their serial number. (not the box from the mfg. mind you, but the box, bag, and tag from the storage arsenal). Selling the serialized arsenal box for $35 all in. Damn fine customer service and a nice adder for collectors. I have mine on the way.
  9. 10:00pm hour seems to be a bad time to be around this officer. His other shooting this year was at the same time.
  10. Shits so big it's in the gulf but is pulling in upwards of 3' of storm surge on the coast of the Atlantic.
  11. That 10-20’ storm surge going into that socket of the coast is no joke. What people underestimate / misunderstand is that the surge is the temporary, new water level and there are still waves above that especially right along the coast. Even substantially elevated structures can get inundated. Lots of hard, permanent lessons learned about that along Bolivar during Rita.
  12. They did make a precious few rifles in a carbine model or variant and just as scarce was the Bob, across all configurations. That’s a special, rare configuration for sure. Likely from the late 40’s or earlier bc that’s when they stopped cataloging them as a standard version. I’ve got a ‘59 in Bob coming thats had some custom work done on it. It’s a 22” but not sure if it’s a factory barrel or not yet. Anxious to get from the auction house.
  13. What does your partner want to buy him out? What does he take out of the business and what do you take out? What would it cost to replace his work, with a less experienced and younger employee who might want to grow into the owner one day?
  14. No doubt there are bad actors, and you are correct. Lots of employers underfunded plans or ran into situations where they could no longer fund them. It's a heavy weight on cash flow. My point was that private enterprise (or their shareholders) decided that it was too costly to provide lifetime income to employees and shifted the burden when they had a chance. Not a judgement either way - just what happened. When IRC Section 401(k) was enacted into law back in '78, employees could then defer income for retirement, and employers glady started implementing the plans so they could shift the responsibility to the employee.
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