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Certifiably Surly
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jimmyjazz last won the day on March 23

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  1. Regarding military support of Israel, it appears the spike in the last year is significantly related to missile defense (assuming I'm reading this chart correctly, and I may not be):
  2. Rex gonna Rex. Something something uber alles.
  3. I asked that question in the 2nd post on the thread. To my knowledge, it hasn't been answered.
  4. Just a thought, Nancy: carpool Beyond the importance of looking at the price of gasoline in today's dollars, we also need to address the very real fact that on average cars are over 35% more fuel effficient than they were 20 years ago.
  5. My dad sold Marlin Perkins a camera. I never learned if he used it on the show, perhaps taking snapshots of Jim getting his ass whipped by an anaconda.
  6. This is a huge nothingburger. What are y'all getting so worked up about?
  7. That's why you fill the previous cup with piss. Just don't get them mixed up.
  8. Yes, chili is just about one of the cheapest beef-based dishes out there. If he's feeding a crowd then he was always feeding a crowd. Typical look-at-me right-wing airing of grievances.
  9. Oh no, other fanbases aren't gonna like us now!!! Yeesh. Hint: they never did.
  10. Which is more embarassing -- buying a Modelo or throwing it?
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