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About Steamboat1874

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  1. Hamburger Helper Beef Stroganoff was awesome.
  2. We use ground turkey for tacos and sometimes chili and you cannot tell the difference.
  3. My first wife and I were young poors back in the day and we would slice Spam and put in a baking dish with slice pineapple with some of the juice mixed with a tiny bit of brown sugar. I think it was good.
  4. Lynx was a great cover band from Dallas back in the day.
  5. Not funny and quite stupid. Remember Trump said we should rake the countryside to prevent wildfires.
  6. The best thing I ever ate there was the chicken fried chicken with regular gravy. It was damn good back in the day.
  7. Special place in hell for pet owners that do that shit.
  8. You are a fucking piece of cum soaked shit. Pathetic.
  9. Pretty sure tomorrow is the deadline to declare for the draft which he will do and many of you will look stupid. What’s new? I do it all of the time.
  10. Get back to me when the second half is all that matters.
  11. Watched them all and the one coming up has absolutely nothing to do with any third quarter all year. What is your point.
  12. Hats off to Leonard. Gutsy drive and got the big play. This is fun.
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