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Certifiably Surly
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  1. The Kurds in Syria would say Hi… but a lot of them died when Trump abandoned them
  2. Cmon helob, give me a good “ballgame” to really make me feel like this shit is in the bag.
  3. Which is voting for a guy who has said bibi needs to ‘finish the job’
  4. Very early but no bueno in Nevada so far
  5. Man you aren’t joking on those holds. Roberson shouldn’t see another snap for a while. also, fuck any and all returners on kickoffs that land inside the 5. Fuck right the fuck off.
  6. And the good AA lord taketh on the return flight. just a fucking cunt of a gate agent.
  7. How bad was the under throw? What a play by wingo bailing him out.
  8. thank you! The ypc for the backs this game was a half yard better than vs Michigan. Far from dominant but enough to keep em honest, esp if sark didn’t go mack/benson keeping our biggest and arguably most talented back on the sideline. I want to see a breakdown of running plays in 11 vs 12 personnel too It was wingo and it was criminally under thrown and late. Wingo blew by him and had two steps
  9. That Nevada stuff, the other nerds pretty shot it down as nothing from a math perspective
  10. bluto


    As mentioned above the reason to stick with QE is bc experience and game speed. Hes on par with his redshirt freshman performances now, so there’s really no reason. If we had a pure shit OL that could ruin Arch then maybe hold off, but that’s not the case either.
  11. Only making this worse is in same sit down he talks about slashing regulations.
  12. Early looks seems as tho the tape makes his performance look even shittier. Impressive
  13. D was fine. Simmons desperately needs a second pitch on pass rush. Sorrell seemed like a dif guy tonight. Wish gbenda got more action early, they were playing bully and he’s much more fit for that. I’ll also say that uga dropped about 5 open passes, awful drops.
  14. I think a bigger issue with run game is the stupid ass game plan of playing Davis in 2 TE sets the majority of 1H. Dude is avg blocker at best, having him in allowed for uga to play base d with zero concern/discomfort while clogging up the middle. Shoulda been 3 wr sets with helm moved all over. Possibly even more 5 wide sets with quick throws for Quinn to not over think
  15. Wondered the same on Gibson. Also wondered wtf niblett was doing in the field in 1Q
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