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Certifiably Surly
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  1. If the US can turn a blind eye to kindergarteners and elementary students mutilated by, who’ve bled out, and died by the business end of an AR-15, is it no surprise that it gives no fucks about a presidential assassination attempt? This is the world you’ve chosen to live in Republicans,
  2. This. But if he was actually shot then the other Trump absolutism would apply. We have our best chance to outlaw assault weapons due to the fact that everything he touches turns to shit.
  3. Karens for Kamala! [Movie trailer voice] We want to talk to democracy’s manager…. [/voice]
  4. Real talk. Where did the couch meme come from? It’s so ridiculous, yet exposes a fundamental truth that Vance does look like someone who would fuck a couch. The left just meme-ified the trump nickname schtick.
  5. Da fuq? People are weird / polling still broken. 1) In no way do I believe Kamala Harris has less black voter support than Biden. And B. Latinos #’s look borked. Ain’t no way Kamala es muy bueno y Biden es muy malo to that extent. And thirdly, dumb whites have far more racism to offer than this poll indicates.
  6. Ya know, it’s sad that Pierce Morgan has such a low appreciation for all flavors of fascism. Where is the respect for Italian, Spanish, or Portuguese fascism? Huh? Why must he always go with Hitler. Europe is more than one kind fascism. And considering how America is a melting pot of cultures and ideas, just think about what kind of fascism we could achieve? We can be that shining city on a hill that uses our democratically elected officials to approve our exclusion of rights, remove unwanted citizens, and prevents the huddled masses from coming ashore. Our system of justice can rightly strip the undesired aspects of society of their ability to speak, vote, or assemble. It’s guns for all, money for the few, and Trump as the only one!
  7. This is the real deal. None of that high fructose corn syrup racism you see now-a-days. This shit’s the cane syrup Mexican Coke style racism.
  8. Dnaguy

    Shit My Kid Says

    Let me see... OMG there's a big crack right down the middle! Dad fail on my part there.
  9. He’s a convict just like them? He created all the Black jobs? And he’s going to shut down the border to prevent all the unskilled labor from stealing black jobs. A true triple threat. How can Kamala compete?
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