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Gil Bang

Certifiably Surly
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Gil Bang last won the day on March 22 2019

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22835 Surly 1%

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  1. Many years ago, my best friend (who was my age at the time...mid 40's) got himself a 20-something girlfriend. He thought he was the coolest guy on the planet because he's getting young pussy. All of a sudden, instead of doing the shit that he and I liked to do...going to restaurants and bars that we liked, etc, he's going to places that he hates and doing dumb shit that he can't stand, because that's what "she" wanted to do and where she wanted to go. My GF at the time was 40. She was a cool lady and had her shit together, and looked fantastic. After about a month with the younger girl, he tells me "man, I'd like to find myself a woman like (my girlfriend) because, he had concluded correctly that a tiny bit of titty sag was better than dealing with young, stupid, idiotic girls.
  2. There's not a single straight man on planet earth that would know that
  3. i have no fucking idea what you're trying to convey. I'm more confused than I was before.
  4. WTF is this "brat" bullshit? I have no idea what this means.
  5. Get Lindsay to the fainting couch y'all, because that flower is wilting!
  6. The Hat is a chain with several locations. Aliso Viejo =/= Laguna Beach, but you're still in a decent spot. Downtown San Juan Capistrano has become a foodie destination, including some kickass Texas-Style BBQ (Heritage BBQ) https://www.heritagecraftbbq.com/ Also, if you're in San Juan, there's a legendary dive bar, The Swallows Inn https://www.swallowsinn.com/ It's named after the birds that return to San Juan Capistrano every year, but...the some of the gals in there are "friendly" too, and live up to the name, if you catch my drift. And, https://www.trevorsatthetracks.com/ has a beautiful patio and great food and drink. It's the old railroad depot. I personally love Salt Creek Grill in Dana Point https://www.saltcreekgrille.com/dana-point/ although I haven't been there in a couple of years, and there is new management. For a real feel of "old" California, do The Beachcomber at Crystal Cove State Park. https://thebeachcombercafe.com/ The bloody mary is spectacular. Reservations are recommended, and it's not for anybody that doesn't get around well. You park on the other side of PCH and walk the trail over, or you can catch the shuttle van for a couple of bucks. If you go into Laguna, stop at https://www.thecliffrestaurant.com/ for at least a drink. Best views anywhere. And I HIGHLY recommend happy hour and/or dinner at https://www.thefishermansrestaurantsanclemente.com/ On both sides of the pier. One side is Oyster Bar, the other is the full restaurant. EDIT: Bloody at The Beachcomber i.imgur.com/U3OEzdU.jpg
  7. Y'all don't have the CalTech lady to come on your TV and tell you what happened. You're missing out.
  8. I feel unions, and labor in general, getting some traction after losing ground for several decades. This country was it's best when we had a strong middle class, and the labor movement is the key to getting back there. Biden has been the most pro-union POTUS that I can recall, and I'm optimistic that Harris will continue along that path.
  9. He'll call Les Moonves and see if he can get a recommendation for somebody good
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