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Gil Bang

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Gil Bang

  1. My neighbors across the street are awesome people. She's from Mexico, he's from Egypt. She speaks fluent Spanish, of course. He speaks fluent Arabic. They have two beautiful daughters, and they both speak...English. English was the only thing spoken in the household. Fucking shame. Sam doesn't drink, but he goes to the liquor store a few times a week to bullshit with the owner in Arabic..
  2. over on Reddit, they are talking about a Frusciante signature strat coming out next year, priced around $2,500
  3. nah. It's James Caan in El Dorado that does that. Same movie. "Mississippi" vs. "Colorado". Dean Martin vs. Robert Mitchum. Charlene Holt vs. Angie.
  4. Gil Bang

    Marvin Gaye

    for fuck's sake
  5. Just checked the app. Rio Bravo mofos. I've only seen it 60 or 70 times, so I'm tuning in!
  6. George playing that rosewood Tele. I've gotta get me one.
  7. yeah, but MOST of those jobless claims are laid-off loan guys.
  8. made it home just in time. Had I been in Italy, I would have had to hoof it back to the Excelsior.
  9. reddit says it's a crypto scam. Mofo is barking up the wrong tree. I wouldn't touch crypto if Jessica Alba told me that there was crypto in her pussy.
  10. what's the scam here? random text from an (857) number. "I'm looking to buy a home in Carlsbad, can you help me"? Says budget is 3 million, needs 4 bedrooms, etc. Gives VERY Chinese name. After a few texts says "do you have WhatsApp. We can communicate there". Seems scammy, but I cannot figure out the endgame.
  11. I had a full erection..until Yoko showed up.
  12. Gil Bang

    Let it Be mofos

    watching now, with a full erection
  13. The rubber gasket holds it in place. Loosen that plastic nut, put the male pipe back in the female, and re-tighten the nut. That's all there is to it. DO NOT USE GLUE And quit storing shit under the sink. That 8 lb. Clorox bottle probably got slammed against the pipe and knocked it loose.
  14. Have you seen all the deals with Japanese companies that the Dodgers have made? He's paying for himself.
  15. Many years ago, she signed a piece of paper saying that she she never had sex with him
  16. She was a hell of a jazz singer
  17. bump. Is the thermopop still the best value out there?
  18. I know, but it's a closet queen. The neck is so thin that I can't play it when I'm playing the Gibson a lot. Maybe you guys that are better than me (most of you) can go from a really fat neck to a thin one, but I struggle with it. It frustrates the shit out of me to the point I don't want to play it.
  19. I'm a sucker for Adam-12 reruns. I love the nostalgia, because I remember every episode from my childhood. Trini Lopez was on a few episodes.
  20. the TIC: https://reverb.com/item/81121898-fender-telecaster-2002-agave-blue
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