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Certifiably Surly
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About boilerhorn

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  1. Dude needs a speechwriter - and now.
  2. Those of us encouraging the trip are not waxing poetic about the cosmopolitan nature of Piscataway. Get in; get out. We are saying, "Go there for the game. Stay in NYC. Visit all of NYC. The UCLA/Rutgers game is a great excuse to see your son and catch a UCLA football game." The train trips between Boston and NYC are not that bad - for SBBriun's son.
  3. EDIT3: and bigger dumbass me hit reply to my own post - rather than edit. Time for me to step away from the keyboard.
  4. I'd do Rutgers, especially if you take a couple of days before and/or after to visit Manhattan - esp. if you/he have never been. Great place to visit, esp. in Oct. My oldest daughter did a college visit to Rutgers (she ended up going to UT). We stayed in Newark - trained to Manhattan and drove to Piscataway. I recall the trains running to Piscataway, but they were quite a bit less effective than the trains going to/from Newark. BUT - recall I drove to from Newark to Piscataway, so I might not have misremembered. If you are into jazz, Steve Smith (former Journey drummer) plays in the city a LOT and puts on a great show. He's playing on Oct 18 at Birdland. The "random" music scene there is fantastic. The normal tourist traps are also definitely worth it. EDIT: of course - I wrote all of that before I realized that you are traveling from SoCal. 5+ hour direct flight... And my recommendation was Rutgers for the ancillary entertainment - NOT the football
  5. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-harris-campaign-donations/2020/08/12/06eb1f0e-dcdb-11ea-b205-ff838e15a9a6_story.html Before he entered politics, President Trump donated $6,000 to Kamala D. Harris’s reelection campaign while she was California attorney general, campaign finance records show. Trump gave $5,000 to Harris’s campaign in September 2011 and $1,000 in February 2013. His daughter Ivanka Trump gave Harris’s campaign $2,000 in 2014, records show. Harris, now the running mate of presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, was California’s attorney general from 2011 until 2016 — when she was elected to the U.S. Senate. In 2015, the year Trump began his campaign for president, Harris said she gave Trump’s donations to charity.
  6. As with most anything (especially something that requires a little bit of training, knowledge, and patience), shit’s really easy if you know how to do it. An advantage to the compute evolution and revolution over the past 40 years is that has obfuscated much of the underlying details from the end user. And it has made those end users more innately trusting. The tire change analogy applies for those of us who understand the basics and are comfortable using terminal mode and moving files around (shit - tty or DOS only interfaces were not THAT long ago). For others, they do not want to further fuck up what is already fucked up. Actually, the tire change analogy may fall short. The process for changing a tire has not materially changed for 50+ years. The process to un-fuck a computer changes on each fuckery.
  7. It’s not just white, it’s Utah white. Bordering on the whitest of white (clear?). Most of these folks are likely LDS. I work with and have many LDS friends. My generation is filled with Dan, Brent, etc. Our kids’ generation (20-30) veered a little more: Mason, Tanner, Lindsay. This is yet another step. That said, there are Cutters, Kaylans, etc. at many of the private schools in suburban Texas. I am a bit offended by Qwaylon. Just name the kid Waylon, FFS.
  8. Clark. She'd pass at the right time; she'd cut to the basket; she'd actually hit a three.
  9. Baseball-reference has the info (I suspect you know that), but... https://www.baseball-reference.com/teams/PIT/leaders_pitch.shtml Wilbur Cooper - 202 I am a Pirates fan, but too young to recognize that name. All-time saves? I would have guess Kent Tekulve. Nope - Roy Face, who I have never heard of Reds do not have any 200 game winners. https://www.baseball-reference.com/teams/CIN/leaders_pitch.shtml That said, if it is players who have 200 wins and also played for Reds: Seaver is one... Here are the 120 pitchers with 200+ wins: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Major_League_Baseball_career_wins_leaders I did not realize that Tim Wakefield had 200 wins. Moreover, he's one of the pitchers who have struck out 4 batters in a single inning.
  10. That's what the CrowdStrike dev said.
  11. Can't tell if you are mocking me or thanking me or both. Not that it really matters
  12. In x86, Opcode+ModRM "00 00" is Add [EAX], AL. That will most certainly generate the page fault reported in the BSOD. The beauty of x86 is that screwing up a binary is fairly trivial. A kernel mode driver filled with nulls is an easy way to crash a machine.
  13. They are not. Just need the keys to get through to the command prompt. That said, you either had to save your keys from before or access them from your corp portal. The process is quite easy for those who are tech savvy. Less so for those who are not.
  14. Totally agree re: devops. As you note, some think devops is git commit -b prod git push
  15. QA is also considered a lower caste in the IT/dev world. Prod deployment QA is even lower than dev QA.
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