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Leeroy Jenkins

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  1. I was watching On Patrol Live last night. Cops pulled over a car with two young black guys and a black woman. One of the black guys sees the camera and does a shot out to Trump and that he was for real or something. I think it was in South Carolina.
  2. They are slowly going after them: https://www.dallasnews.com/business/2024/04/09/dallas-woman-faces-45-years-in-prison-over-fraudulent-ppp-loans/ https://www.hka.com/cares-act-in-2024-fraud-investigations-are-just-beginning/
  3. You mean like EIDL and PPP loans? As I am sure that is what you are talking about. "The theft was massive in scale. The U.S. Small Business Administration inspector general estimates $136 billion in fraud from the EIDL and $64 billion in fraud from the PPP. For FPUC, the U.S. Government Accountability Office estimates more than $100 billion in fraud" https://www.sba.gov/document/report-23-09-covid-19-pandemic-eidl-ppp-loan-fraud-landscape
  4. Dig your head out of your ass. The cult is much bigger than you think it is. There is a large part of the group who are silent because deep down they know it is wrong but they are still going to vote for Trump. And Fuck you for comparing anything I have to say to Icono. You are so fucking brilliant.
  5. I can also bet that the majority of the SS was on a completely different radio frequency than the local LEO. I bet that time delay will also will be a contributing factor.
  6. I wonder if that is the end period. Knee?
  7. BS story. All reports were metal sights and no scope.
  8. Biden is completely out of touch with reality. Why would he keep letting Hunter into the White House or even to Camp David. If you want his advice on how to proceed go home to Delaware. Having Hunter around just plays into the hands of MAGA. I doesn't matter if he is clean now or not. This isn't hard to see. It also isn't hard to see that his time is up. Shit should have hit the fan the instant he decided to run again.
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