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Nice Guy Eddie

Certifiably Surly
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About Nice Guy Eddie


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    Let's get ramblin'

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  1. Yes the poor performance of the TX Democrat party has made all of us, including Republicans, understand that our votes don’t matter for statewide elections. I normally vote Democrat and I seriously do not know who runs the state party and whether there even is a statewide party. It wouldn’t surprise me if the same person(s) have been in charge of it for 20 years. Earning a nice paycheck while consistently failing.
  2. Too many, low skilled employees can only offer one thing: their time. And unfortunately most employers value time the least of all skills or offerings. If you have to use your muscles and especially your mind, you have the ability to earn more. And some have decided to ignore these facts, or they’ve never been taught it. at my work, we pay developers a great salary to build tools so that customers can self service their accounts more and more. It used to be that we were satisfied helping the customers call the support staff. Or building efficient support staff processes. Now the support team is looked as handling difficult situations or for the few customers that prefer to call. Those last support agents will earn more individually but the company spends less on support operations.
  3. Perhaps its just my sources for news and commentary but I can't believe how bad it's been for Trump coming out of the RNC. His speech started off ok for non-MAGA but he couldn't help himself and went full MAGA. And post-convention, it's all about how bad Vance has been and rumors of second guessing the choice. Then add to it that Biden is now a hero statesman for being one of the few Presidents to voluntarily relinquish power plus the rapid consolidation and excitement for Harris. Not the best 2 weeks for Trump.
  4. It's not 0% but I've usually avoided bond funds. Age 55 looking to retire by 62. However I have some safe retirement money from a former employer earning a guaranteed 5%, and I have a sizable "emergency" fund that is in HYSAs. With recently moving some IRA funds between brokers I did purchase a bond fund. I'm not expecting growth but look at it as decent dividend/return/whatever. I figure that I should remove some risk.
  5. Disney's new "cable" bundle for streaming is available now: https://www.cnn.com/2024/07/25/business/disney-hulu-and-max-launch-streaming-bundle-at-up-to-38-discount/index.html $17 (ads) or $30 (no ads) Disney+ Hulu Max plus content from ABC, CNN, Discovery, Food Network, FX, HGTV noticed this at the end of the article: "Disney, WBD and Fox Corp. are also launching the dedicated sports streaming service Venu this fall, which will combine ESPN, TNT, Fox Sports and other assets under a single streaming roof." sign up: https://www.disneyplus.com/welcome/disney-hulu-max-bundle
  6. Manchin: “turn those machines back on.” if a potential candidate wasn’t preparing, they weren’t a viable candidate. It’s like a former boss taught me that if you wait to declare interest, for a newly open promotion, you’re already late. It’s not like Biden’s action was out of the blue. I don’t care what he said the day before. if manchin wanted to be kingmaker he should have had the balls to pressure Biden to drop out like Pelosi. Kamala would have owed him if he had helped to produce her ascent to candidate. Manchin was always just a legislator and contrarian “leader.” He never seemed to have the courage to risk his safe position. History will forget him.
  7. That was impressive how she spiraled into paranoia and then blew up another alliance that wanted her.
  8. SIAP but good on Mayor Pete to call on JD to stfu about childlessness. When you comment on other people not having children, you never know the full story. Many people go through challenges with having children that the public or even friends may not have full awareness. Talking someone down because they don't have kids is immature, cruel and rude. https://www.cnn.com/2024/07/23/politics/video/buttigieg-responds-jd-vance-criticism-childless-democrats-sot-scr-digvid Not to mention that having kids or not is not a prerequisite in being a leader. It's mindboggling that Vance can have such poor critical thinking skills.
  9. I don’t know exactly what that guy said or meant to say but there is little reason to say college sorority vs sorority. No one calls those orgs college sororities still I would always error on the side of caution to not call someone a racist until they obviously prove otherwise.
  10. Good info. I wondered if this had occurred in modern history. If trump told Vance to quit, within the hour Vance would be telling us about a need to care for his family but respect their privacy by not asking why.
  11. Wtf Turner. Going on about it considering it. Either run or don’t but he’s playing this like if he was thinking of a run for president. He must be calling all of the other potentials and telling them how he will help them and their office/cause once he’s in the House. as mentioned above, do we really need to elect someone well into retirement age just do they can stay until they die?
  12. plan? 1. Push Harris to remove Biden. Or convince Biden to resign 2. impeach Harris. 3. President Mike Johnson 4. profit?
  13. They fired her tonight. https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/houston-texas/education/article/fagen-fired-19591915.php
  14. I don't think they ever publicly talk about their security practices, or lack there of. And given our representatives, I think it would be a mistake to tell them behind closed doors since they will repeat what they heard.
  15. I assume that the USSS purposefully does not maintain audio recordings because the people that they "protect" need to feel secure in that the current situation will not be broadcast. One agent needing to communicate to another agent regarding a secret meeting, legitimate or even a less than legitimate personal meeting. If the protected person feels that confidential info is being recorded and maintained, they may look to get away from their security detail. The downside is that when a situation occurs, we have to rely on personal memories or cover ups.
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