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Hugo Stiglitz

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Hugo Stiglitz last won the day on January 11 2021

Hugo Stiglitz had the most liked content!


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    Dildo Salesman

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  1. It will be super sleeper VP pick vice admiral james stockdale
  2. What’s cool is Kamala has the bully pulpit at her disposal bc you know, she is the VP…Abuse that bitch with extreme prejudice I say.
  3. At this point JD should just own it, like, “I may have fucked that couch but at least I never fucked a horse, you know, like Catherine the Great did.”
  4. I’m holding out for the lightning bolt… really the only acceptable departure, for me at least.
  5. That’s the most frustrating thing about a candidate that doesn’t believe in elections. We are headed for another easily preventable catastrophe regardless of the election outcome. Hate to be Debbie downer because the vibes are great right and we need them but the right wing coup is ongoing until Trump is in custody or better.
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