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  1. "Tryna hit a chord and it's probably A minor" Holy shit 😂😂😂😂😂
  2. I'm one of the most cynical people on this board when it comes to Trump, but if Taylor Swift wears this t-shirt while endorsing Harris I think that's a close to a lock as we can get.
  3. I watch this whenever I'm feeling shitty and need a pick-me-up. Truly the feel-good movie we needed during COVID times. I remember this one kept getting talked about as "horror" and when I watched it was confused as to why. Till...you know. Same with Hunter/Hunter.
  4. We (me and my partner in crime, my 16-yo horror-fan son) really liked it. He hated The Blackcoat's Daughter so I was worried, but I feel like Oz Perkins has really hit his stride and I'm excited to see what he does in the future. One surprising thing I learned from the pre-show is that Oz Perkins was a side character in Legally Blonde! I mean, he looks just like his dad but I wouldn't have put it together if not for this movie.
  5. Someone should put this on a t-shirt because it's the goddamn truth.
  6. Is Maxxine a letdown because it's really not great, or because of all the high expectations after X and Pearl? Sick and Cobweb were so dumb. Huge letdowns, IMO. I loooved When Evil Lurks and Talk to Me, too. So In a Violent Nature was good? I've avoided it because it looks like the Terrifier movies, which I absolutely hate, where the entire point is the gore.
  7. That's when we're going. I didn't see the Alamo email about Tuesday's advance screening in time to grab tickets.
  8. With Oz Perkins it's usually a little of both.
  9. Pretty excited about this one. The marketing's been great so hopefully the trailer isn't better than the movie itself, but I've loved Oz Perkins since The Blackcoat's Daughter so I'm looking forward to seeing another of his movies. My son and I are going to see it this weekend.
  10. Stop thinking about pussy I wasn't thinking about- You were thinking about pussy
  11. Stop it, I remember when you got her. Can't believe it's been that long.
  12. The house still has a whiff of skunk and it's been two days.
  13. I'm not excited about the Sony acquisition but I'm still ride or die Alamo for the time being. I'm there at least twice a month, at either Village, South Lamar, or Lakeline, and never have any problems with loud patrons. Last time I was at a Cinemark there was a group of loud high-schoolers being obnoxious, which just reinforced my Alamo or nothing policy. The pre-shows are awesome, there are no commercials besides movie trailers, and I've never had trouble with people being loud because they enforce their no talking/texting policy. We go to the Elf movie party every year as a family. Their special screenings are great, like the Time Capsule feature they're doing this year, and you can usually count on them to screen smaller limited-release films for at least a short time. It used to be that I had to go to the Regal Arbor Cinema to see indie stuff in the theater (after Dobie shut down). The food isn't great, but the beer selection is good and I can usually find something I like on the themed menu. And if not, bottomless popcorn. Anyway, there's still a lot that makes the Alamo special, IMO. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Sony doesn't fuck it all up.
  14. They did a pretty passable job of making Glen Powell unattractive in the beginning, with the awful haircut, jorts, and glasses. But then I saw that he named his cats Id and Ego and he shot right back up the hotness scale.
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