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  1. I actually think Vance probably loathes Trump. The guy went to Yale and spilled a lot of ink and airtime trashing the shit out of Trump, to suddenly have a change of heart. Vance is a shithead who simply got hungry for power and decided to skip the line for 2028. Counter-counterpoint: Trump prefers to double down rather than admit he’s wrong. See boats and batteries, hurricanes and sharpies, and so on. If a bunch of people tell him to ditch Vance, especially if it’s the media, in his mind, he can’t show weakness and back down.
  2. I do apologize for getting a random one right. In hindsight, it is Deadpool. You just think you hate Timothy Chalamet now, but wait until you see him as Bob Dylan later this year.
  3. He has to be on the ticket. You know he won't step down on his own, because this is his chance and he will be a laughingstock (well he already is now) and his career is on a downward trajectory. If he steps down, no way he sniffs the White House, in either slot on the ticket, because the reasons he's a liability now will still exist in four years and there will be a shitload of Republicans in 2028 who will happily remind the media of Vance's past. If he's outright booted, his political career is over as well for a lot of reasons, and you don't want another ex-Trump official or would-be ex-official out there with an axe to grind against Trump. Plus Trump would look weak to a lot of people who have amnesia about his Presidency. The Democrats initially looked weak for forcing Biden off the ticket, but they bounced back. I don't think Trump can competently handle a change on the ticket. He's staying on the ticket.
  4. If you are a Republican, it's troublesome because Vance put that Yale education to good use trashing the shit out of Trump in both print and in interviews, explaining why he was unfit and untrustworthy, and all of those interviews and articles are going to be put to use in the run-up to November. You just know either Harris will bring it up in a debate (if Trump doesn't chicken out) or Trump will be asked about the specifics that Vance said. Vance has also said plenty of shit that stirs the left up. Pence, for all of his faults, prior to 2016, was pretty under-the-radar. Vance, not so much. I'm still surprised Trump picked him, because I was pretty sure Trump has an enemies list saved on his iPhone, and that Vance would be up there. It's also not like Trump was in danger of losing Ohio. And as @HornOnTheBayou said, Vance has said shit out loud that you're not supposed to say until after you win and have power, which goes back to stirring the left up and bothering moderates. Vance and Harris are unifying the left in a way that is not good for Trump.
  5. A little part of West Texas is in that heathen Mountain Standard Time zone.
  6. Yeah, leaving multiple vans behind stood out to me. It would be easy to say that was simply a function o f having enough money (or stealing enough vehicles, but stealing runs the risk of being exposed), but that makes the operation far more complicated, and it probably involves multiple drivers for each operation. They didn’t kill anybody, so that means they wanted disruption but not deaths. But no big banners at the scenes either.
  7. The Starlite Drive-In got their shit stolen https://www.kxan.com/news/local/austin/pretty-devastated-austins-blue-starlite-drive-in-robbed/ https://www.bluestarliteaustin.com if you have a few bucks… https://www.gofundme.com/f/keep-austin-funky-aid-blue-starlites-comeback-from-theft
  8. They hung with us in Afghanistan for over 14 years, so I don’t even care about WWII in regard to the past,
  9. We don’t see it as much now, but last year and in 2022, Russian talking heads on the official state TV channels were talking about nuking Western cities, invading Poland, etc. and I’m sure that spooked plenty of people who were younger or did not have the context to put the threats in. They didn’t understand that the huge tables for Putin or him sitting across the room from people or the security detail constantly dressing up and playing the role of local workers when he visited some place as being a sign that Putin is afraid of being killed. I was wondering about missile or drone strikes on the Kremlin. It had to be something related to them degrading the Russian air defenses, whatever it is. Maybe it was bomber bases that have nukes.
  10. The local hippy type groups or whatever we want to call them, have probably been thoroughly penetrated by French intelligence for quite a while in preparation for the Olympics. Plus, when they do this shit, they seem to like to do it in places and at times where they can be seen (or their banners or whatever). This thing has abandoned vehicles (vans, meaning they had other vehicles in place and waiting to help them get away), simultaneous attacks, the French/NATO intelligence being caught off guard, etc.
  11. I think the problem is they weren’t sure how Putin would react, but now they have clear data that shows that for all the red lines he draws, Putin won’t do shit like launch nukes or whatever they were worried about.
  12. People in West Texas who are inexplicably in the UTC time zone may have felt it, but I live in God’s True Timezone, CST.
  13. So they are starting with a bang. https://www.cnn.com/2024/07/26/europe/france-rail-network-disruption-paris-olympics-intl-hnk/index.html And I'm wondering if it ties into this https://www.euronews.com/2024/07/24/paris-olympics-russian-chef-arrested-over-plot-to-provoke-hostilities
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