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atomheartbevo last won the day on April 20

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  1. Thank you for posting those. Just glad I have something to pass on to the MAGA relatives - "hey, you gotta read these transcripts, Trump has sex just like y'all do!"
  2. Trump family has the keys to the RNC though. It's a long process to replace committee folks who went all in on backing Trump.
  3. He's like the Presidential version of Elon Musk, only he had sex.
  4. The more the Trumps get involved with politics, the better, because when Donnie kicks the bucket, none of them will know what the hell they are doing, and they'll probably circle the wagons and apply purity/loyalty tests that nobody else will pass.
  5. Thought this was going to be about Noem.
  6. Back in February they told publishers early 2025 (which could be the spring) - https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-02-17/nintendo-is-telling-game-publishers-switch-2-will-be-delayed If they were going to release it at Christmas, a lot of publishers would probably need to be hitting the beta phase by now for big games (I'm guessing they'd have to be released to manufacturing by September/October to be available at Thanksgiving/Christmas). Otherwise, it launches with hardly anything and would piss off a lot of developers who would be faced with rushing titles out and risking them being unfinished/buggier than usual, or being late to the game. For reference, I think the Switch had around a dozen titles that launched on the release day (March of 2017), and another 70-80 titles within 8-9 months. If they moved the launch date up, dozens of studios would have to be told and it would have leaked. Edit: I don't think they would tell major publishers that it was delayed unless it was actually delayed.
  7. Is "cunt" another term for "prophet" ?????
  8. We did it in WWII - June 14, 1941, Executive Order 8785 basically shut down Europe. Prior to that, we were also seizing assets of countries that Nazi Germany took over, to protect their assets and prevent them from falling into German hands. We were trying to somewhat stay neutral, but we were also not going to let the Germans have anything we could get our hands on. https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/executive-order-8785-regulating-transactions-foreign-exchange-and-foreign-owned-property And with Japan, we did quite a bit as well which arguably sped up Japan going to war against us (seizing/stopping 88% of their imported oil put them on a course to run out of fuel within a few years). https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/united-states-freezes-japanese-assets If you want to do a deep dive on numbers, etc. https://govinfo.library.unt.edu/pcha/PlunderRestitution.html/html/StaffChapter3.html
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