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Planet Houston

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  1. Cross-post to the main election thread. I didn’t see this thread until now. I’m sofa king sorry.
  2. I saw Jabari Smith at the airport last night about 1:15am - he had just gotten back from SL clearly, as he was getting his bags from a Vegas flight was at our carousel. /csb/
  3. Oh god they are going to have to amputate his right arm. You can see it in her eyes. It’s over 😱😱😱
  4. I don’t get it. Tucker was having such a great season and all of a sudden we catch fire with him out. I have been traveling non-stop in a combination of work and personal travel the last month, so I haven’t been able to watch much extended stretches of Stros baseball. My last in-person game was the game Tucker got hurt. I don’t understand it, but I love it.
  5. Tryna rival that Richards-Ross genes matchup…go get it.
  6. We have been lucky. Power on, other side of the street is out. Major limbs down from our big oak in the front, but no serious damage.
  7. What a bitch. 38 years old? More like 8
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