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Certifiably Surly
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  1. @bolverk you have any issues with these images are do you have your head in the sand still about the 5th column we have in this country.
  2. Classic Gene-o Gene-o was my 🐐 broadcaster without question. This sucks
  3. Huge loss. A piece of my childhood has died. Y’all remember the screw job by the refs on the last game of the season in San Antonio in 1993 that cost us playoff seeding and he flipped out so bad that the radio broadcast was knocked off air. Classic Gene-o. My favorite all time announcer. Remember Kuppenheimer’s? He did the commercials for them too.
  4. Get Bloss out you fucking idiot Espada. What a joke
  5. Front office and manager letting this team down big time. Make a fucking move to add an arm and bat Dana.
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