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956 Worldwide

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956 Worldwide last won the day on April 13

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  1. No, I will bet lots and lots of money that this is either Russia or Iran. It’s not hippies.
  2. There’s an embedded assumption here in labeling them “unproductive” that Iran and the protest leaders are interested in helping Palestinians.
  3. Along with ballistic missiles for Houthis, Iran is also funding protests here in the United States.
  4. I think that there’s a long history of terror organizations and governments mobilizing all of their assets and infrastructure in the service of attacking others, and then claiming that any potential response to their own aggression is unjustified. The Houthis unloaded Iranian ballistic missiles and fired them at THE FUCKING U.S. EMBASSY in a country over 1,000 miles away, killing civilians. In response, Israel bombed the cranes and docks so that there wouldn’t be more Iranian ballistic missiles unloaded there. You are comparing that to the Tulsa massacre? That’s pure “anti-Zionist” brain rot. The Houthis are not fighting for civil rights and the cranes and port facilities they use to unload ballistic missiles are not segregated Black neighborhoods.
  5. The Houthis (who are not a party to Palestine), launched Iran-made ballistic missiles into Israel. Those missiles are delivered by sea to the port that got bombed. They won’t be Israel’s response was exactly proportional and relevant to what the Houthis did and will make it operational more difficult for the Houthis to get more ballistic missiles.
  6. Kamala absolutely needs to run as “Kopmala” and pair up with an astronaut and this thing will be over.
  7. I think it’s a grave mistake to project the roughly 5k people in DC on a Wednesday at 2PM with an important demographic to reach or convince. The whole issue is a loser either way and Kamala needs to tap dance as much as she can and try to shove it to the bottom of the conversation. There’s no way it wins you the election but it might lose it; and the chances of losing it are stronger if you appeal too much to people on the streets. Kelly is an astronaut. Just pick him and have him wear his mission patch to debate JD.
  8. lol, so much butthurt for the poor Houthi fuel storage facilities.
  9. I see now we’ve moved on to feeling bad for the Houthis for getting their shit pushed in after fucking around and finding out.
  10. Actually the first former flag officer who went over to SecDef I can think of is Mattis. I think highly of him but Trump chose him because he wanted someone nicknamed “Mad Dog” in the cabinet. I also really like Austin. It’s still not the greatest precedent and we need to get away from it, there are lots of reasons to find people far removed from inter and intra-service politics.
  11. It’s been a minute but for decades and decades we didn’t put former flag officers in charge of DoD and arguably got better results. Running the whole show is not like running an army. His experience spending vast sums of money is probably more useful for the top civilian job. Transportation has a huge budget and it’s likely best benefit is that you stay out of political fights, but DHS and AG and Treasury are by far more prestige, powe ministries.
  12. SecDef, AG, Treasury, and DHS are all more impactful than transport. He needs to handle guns or money. I don’t think SecState is a good stepping stone for the presidency.
  13. Used F-15 Baz strike jets. Israel was as a pioneer in showing how the F-15 could be used in an air to ground strike role. Gorgeous plane.
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