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956 Worldwide

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Everything posted by 956 Worldwide

  1. Sometimes when I feel like killing someone, I do a little trick to calm myself down. I’ll go over to the persons house and ring the doorbell. When the person comes to the door, I’m gone, but you know what I’ve left on the porch? A jack-o-lantern with a knife stuck in the side of its head with a note that says “You.” After that I usually feel a lot better, and no harm done.
  2. Trump doesn’t know anything, so trying to parse what he was trying to say is really difficult. LOL at anyone who ventured to name a German general thinking that might help prompt some clarity on the statement. Closest to the truth is that Trump has ingested lots of pop culture over the years that has led him to believe the Germans were good at being generals and at obeying so he just barfed it up without thinking much more about it.
  3. Yeah, although it’s telling that “sexually assaulted a model he met via world’s most famous child sex trafficker” doesn’t even come close to the floor.
  4. Probably not it, but reporting that in the 1990s he met a model through Epstein and then groped her. (She had some great SI Swimsuit photos in the 1990s).
  5. DJT is atavistic, he’s like every asshole in every John Hughes movie or the bad husband and father before learning the Meaning of Christmas. Even his supporters think so! But they love him for it. I confess that I have a hard time with a theory of the MAGA mind.
  6. I cannot in any universe imagine typing this out about a candidate and still being excited to vote for him.
  7. Really? Refusing to pay something he promised, and saying shitty things about Mexicans or Mexican Americans is the most on-brand thing I can imagine.
  8. Every American needs the “At Sea Deterrent” tracking app on their phone.
  9. Deshaun at his first PT appointment:
  10. He plead guilty to espionage in exchange for time served in the UK awaiting extradition and went back to Australia.
  11. Wikileaks is an online portal that Julian Assange used to publish documents that purportedly leaked. Its primary purpose was to launder information stolen, hacked, or otherwise illegally obtained by Kremlin intelligence services in a way that served Russia’s foreign policy interests. It also notably refused to publish leaked Kremlin documents. This is because Assange is an open, paid Kremlin agent.
  12. They didn’t. I have seen the docs but if the heading that is circulating and the description is accurate, what got leaked was a U.S. assessment including sensitive imagery.
  13. I think this is identical to what they handed down to Tennessee for the Kiffen incident.
  14. As I commented on the earlier thread about the Tim Pool-Russia shit show, American “conservative” media is particularly vulnerable to Russian manipulation. They treat it as completely normal to have dark money sloshing around supporting enterprises that cannot turn a profit.
  15. A food hill I will die on: English food is really good. It gets a bad rap because: 1. Americans’ first mass encounter with it was during the war ration and blitz when people were making do. 2. The Brits went all over the world and tried to recreate their food with whatever facsimile could survive some horrendous age of sail voyage. In England it’s fantastic. Roasts, pies, sausages, cheeses, bread, baked goods. All of it.
  16. Pot roast. Beef stew. Roast chicken with vegetables and potatoes. Smothered pork chops. All kinds of good white people shit. And people of other ethnicities either overseas or here have the shit-tier versions of their food.
  17. There is a zero percent chance she will select the steak or fajitas I would.
  18. I would never volunteer for a poly, are you kidding me? That is designed to get you to admit shit on your own, not to rule you out.
  19. Died alone with a drone watching him.
  20. Throwing this back, do you think that we actually “know” anything. Because yes, physicists will tell you there is a lot to learn and explore. They will also tell you there is stuff we just “know” about how the universe and its building blocks work. It strikes me as equally arrogant to say “you can’t really know shit” as to say “we know everything.” The FTL and other stuff is fairly fundamental here. We don’t get to say “maybe they can create energy that wasn’t already in existence” or “maybe they solved perpetual motion.” It’s not far from saying that maybe the aliens have invented a method where 2+2=5.
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