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PenelopeWitherspoon last won the day on August 11 2022

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15498 Surly 1%

About PenelopeWitherspoon

  • Birthday January 10

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  1. Unfortunately, it didn't turn enough of them to the morgue. You had one job, COVID!
  2. Will be in NYC. As of now, won't be back in London until the 1st week of July.
  3. This is all correct. I am not a lawyer, but I did get called for Jury Duty in Manhattan. Still pissed it wasn't for this one, but whatevs. In London avoiding the circus. Trump Tower is between my house and my office, and the barricades have been up all week.
  4. If you are not going to drive a vehicle in the ground, and are going to want a new car every 3-5 years, a leasing structure is not a bad way to do it, especially since you generally get favorable cash flows vs. buying to own. Also, leasing is an easy answer for a business owned becuase then you just deduct the lease payments vs. depreciation (or mileage depending on how you work it). Anyway, back to the discussion of what a piece of shit Elon is. He really, really is.
  5. Don’t know. Glad I’m flying to London tonight.
  6. Whiney cunt is both whiney and a cunt, discuss. Sorry you get called out on being full of hate and supporting people who support treating anyone who isn't a white male as second class. It's funny that the main people who complain about rep and the Cloak Room are our right-wing posters who are totally cool with the destruction of the Republic and absolutely hate being called out for it.
  7. Thank you. I keep the negging in the Cloak Room and rarely will have one outside of it. Some posters here need a safe space and can't take any sort of criticism.
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