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  1. That dude is so manly. I bet he gets all the women wet.
  2. Way to fuck up a discussion. Do you talk politics at weddings and funerals?
  3. I was going to post Takashi, but you beat me to it. I second the recommendation.
  4. Your reruns aren’t nearly as entertaining as Seinfeld reruns that I can watch 100x. Sometimes you have to come up with new material.
  5. How many times do you have to repeat the same thing? We get it. This is becoming worse than your Heidi Cruz broken record bit.
  6. Kind of funny since his dad’s latest grift is as a bible huckster.
  7. EO must have a deal with CleanSky right now. They just switched me to them last month, too.
  8. Expert is giving him too much credit.
  9. I’ve wondered about the exact same thing. Or maybe he’s come to his senses and now realizes what a design abortion the Cybertruck is. Just kidding, we know it’s not that.
  10. I didn’t say they’re trust fund babies, but several of your brethren have made that ridiculous assertion.
  11. That’s one of the things where I think this is being so handled so poorly by many schools. Like milk, this has an expiration date on it. Lay ground rules like no overnight camping, no violence, no amplified sound, no blocking ingress/egress of buildings, etc. Let the demonstrators do their thing within the parameters and go in and make arrests when the rules get broken. There’s no reason to go all Billy Badass with the all the militarized police theatrics. Do some good policing and crowd control and let this thing run its course. All the pseudo military shit just ramps shit up and gives a certain group of agitators exactly what they want. Everyone on here making fun of the demonstrators for being pasty trust fund babies who have no idea about what they’re demonstrating for yet we need to send in the military to conquer them? Seems like we’ve lost sight of how to police in this country.
  12. Seems like a bad idea to slash your design and development team right after you made a bet the company announcement regarding new models during the last earning call.
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