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  1. Joe Six Pack’s ratio of fucks given about the company he works for is directly correlated to the fucks about him by the company he works for. Treat people fairly and they tend to GAF. Treat people like shit and they tend to not GAF.
  2. I believe you live in SAN if I remember correctly. If so, Alaska is your answer. They have a good number of nonstop destinations out of SAN and you can also use American and get reciprocal benefits. On Delta, you’re going to be connecting through one of their hubs every single time you fly.
  3. It’s really surprising to me that they couldn’t make IAH work this time around. There are tons of people in the northern suburbs and they’ve been successful serving multiple airports in S California and the Bay Area. I can’t figure out why it didn’t catch on.
  4. I’d rather have this rain instead of the alternative. As long as the tropical stuff stays away, I’m not going to complain.
  5. Yeah, I recall Waterloo was looking for a temporary spot to move to until they could move back in once the new development is completed. It’s been a minute since I’ve heard anything about it, but the pace of new projects in Austin has slowed quite a bit this year.
  6. @troph Got any cameras pointed at the lake? A timelapse would be pretty sweet.
  7. Isn’t that property slated to be torn down for a tower? Wouldn’t surprise me if they’re hanging on with below market rent while the owner is finalizing the plans for redevelopment.
  8. He’s a gun dork. He’ll do whatever his boss at Jim Bob’s House of Guns & Bait and the NRA tells him to do. And, in case you haven’t been paying attention, Kamala is a DEI hire according to the crowd he spends all of his time with so that’s the basis of his opinion.
  9. Dude, he’s Jesus, the literal son of God. We’re lucky to be in the presence of greatness and that he chose to return as the admin of a message board focused on UT sports. Even if he’s wrong by whatever metric you’ve been taught in the past, accept the new teachings as the word of God.
  10. They needed to get off the couch ASAP. JD was pacing off to the side of the set.
  11. Given their IT challenges in the past, I’m predicting that the change to assigned seats is going to cause another operational meltdown. I would be very cautious about booking a flight on WN in the days leading up to and the days after this implementation.
  12. I don’t acknowledge Rupert Murdoch media sources as legit.
  13. Do you really believe this? Please cite actual .gov sources with actual executive orders or legislation. Any citations to your “Ministry of Truth” crap are hyper partisan.
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