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Certifiably Surly
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RPM last won the day on December 20 2019

RPM had the most liked content!


24651 Surly 1%

About RPM

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  1. You ought to see the toilet seat for that thing. Oh wait... you can't.
  2. And THAT is how you play Chicken.
  3. Maybe he just likes getting stabby. He is Irish.
  4. you touch yourself and don't pay tree fiddy. Shame.
  5. Cam versions are already on the interwebs.
  6. RPM

    Getting old sucks

    I don't have neighbors. I get my grass cut twice a year.
  7. The Brady List already exists. Nobody pays attention to it, but it exists.
  8. They are literally Nazis. They treat others as subhuman.
  9. Strange, I thought about this series the day before you posted this because I couldn't find anything interesting to watch. Guess this is a sign its time for a rewatch.
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