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Certifiably Surly
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  1. I recently posted about the site I read and also subscribe to called Defector. The woman that wrote this, Kelsey McKinney, is one of the writers/co-owners of the site. She’s also a published author (2nd book due out next February), has a wildly successful podcast called Normal Gossip and is a graduate of The University of Texas. She is one of my favorite reads on Defector. I would highly suggest thinking about a subscription. https://defector.com/a-list-of-words-that-do-not-appear-in-hillbilly-elegy-so-stop-asking
  2. It was a fun movie. I never get the negativity surrounding a movie. Anytime I see a movie and maybe I didn’t enjoy it as much as someone else I preface it with the comment that “Just because it did not connect with me does not mean it isn’t a good movie.” Not every movie is made for everyone. This is a good one though. I enjoyed Powell’s character in this.
  3. I just got in from a late showing. Saw it in a Dolby theatre and wow was this movie awesome! Whatever you are expecting going in this movie will surpass it. I will be going back to see this again in a few days. So much fun in just two hours. I will not spoil a thing for anyone who has not seen it yet. This is definitely a movie to watch when the theatre is full. This was a fun movie start to finish. Hard to overstate how cool it is seeing Reynolds and Jackman together in this one! The cameos that came out of nowhere were something I think everyone here will like as well. GO SEE THIS MOVIE and don’t wait to see it at home. If you have kids take them too. If they are at least 12 years old then this movie will be how they talk when the adults aren’t around.
  4. This was a really cool movie. Great action and the story exceeded anything I might have expected going in. Definitely a movie worth seeing in a theatre. I will watch this one again.
  5. Thank God he finally decided to do this. Looking forward to President Harris in 2024!
  6. I remember reading about this more than a year ago. Deng is the man for doing almost all of this out of pocket for the land where he was born and Ivey is pretty awesome for coaching this for free. What an adventure that he’ll remember for the rest of his life. He will never have a job that he does that is more meaningful and memorable than being the head coach of the Bright Stars.
  7. Seems like this team might be better if they just use Embiid as the 12th man and let AD and Bam handle things on the backline.
  8. Down 58-44 at the half to South Sudan. That doesn’t sound optimal. Good for Ivey though as he’s done an amazing job keeping South Sudan together. He’ll be a head coach in the NBA sooner rather than later.
  9. Well I never had her as a rep so I cannot be as detailed as others about her. Cancer absolutely sucks and that is not a fun way to go. At least it was quick with no prolonged suffering. My mother is the same age and she has battled cancer for 10 plus years now. My only time seeing her in person was August 2020 at the March on Washington. She was the hardest speaker to follow because she was all over the map. At least she was there though. That was such a hot and humid day so credit to her for being there during the pandemic when things were still such a mess.
  10. Sitting in a theatre is definitely not for everyone. There are things that bug me like people who won’t stop talking. Unless it’s a big movie that I know will be packed I usually avoid going to those showings and opt for ones later at night at an AMC away from the tourist area. That usually works well.
  11. Two weeks, two months, never. Whatever it takes.
  12. Drew Magary is one of the biggest reasons I am a subscriber to Defector. I met him last year at a live podcast he and David Roth did for subscribers and he’s pretty awesome. I only wish he had written this piece on Defector instead of SFGate. You get the uncensored version of his thoughts there.
  13. I’ll go to the beach today and enjoy some sun and maybe watch a movie tonight. I’ll skip the Nazi circus sideshow as well as the crowning of the GQP king. Watching a convention full of people whose collective IQ can be counted on one hand is not my idea of a fun way to spend an evening.
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