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Message Board User

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Message Board User last won the day on February 26 2022

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  1. NAW has been a revelation. This Wolves team should be good for a long time. Conley is a FA this summer so will need to find a replacement.
  2. Actually yes. It should have been a dead giveaway when I, of all people, said Lebron only became whiny when he left The Land.
  3. How hard is it to position the camera so you’re not getting fans obstructing the view? Am i the only one annoyed at this?
  4. Yeah Lebron became quite whiney as soon as he joined the Lakers. Not sure what happened.
  5. Embiid is playing on one leg at this point. And after him and Maxey Philly has a bunch of jags.
  6. Those wings on the Wolves are quite pesky on defense.
  7. For a veteran guy, Conley makes a lot of low BB IQ plays.
  8. Zion so far: 12-18 FG Rest of the Pelicans: 13-42
  9. I kept reading and hearing about how NOLA was “a team nobody wants to play” and for the life of me I couldn’t understand why.
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