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Certifiably Surly
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Deej last won the day on January 30

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75796 Surly 1%


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  1. Deej

    Below Deck

    I like Glenn, but his respect for Gary's ability as a bosun blinded him to his bad behavior with damn near every female crew member.
  2. CDC is going to turn in a list of season tickets holders making the minimum Foundation donation. "No, they are students. They were sitting in the student section. Trust me."
  3. The WB by my house won't do curbside if its dark out, and locks the doors if its dark out so you can't go inside. They force you to use the drive-thru.
  4. Deej

    Below Deck

    not in her mind and she's lazy as fuck
  5. Quinn would have been sacked before he even took one step to his right.
  6. I love me some blue cheese, but yeah...WTF?
  7. They hate CC, but they're trying to ride her to more money that they don't deserve.
  8. I thought all our WR were portaling to aggy?
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