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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Deej

  1. I'm sure the native Tahitians love being considered French..
  2. That's everyone's reaction to South Austin's Mom, too.
  3. Travelling in a fried-out Kombi, on a hippie trail, head full of zombie?
  4. Rundberg and Lamar. I walk to taco trucks every weekend in the middle of the night.
  5. Keep pledges from dying from alcohol-related deaths?
  6. They could have a helicopter hologram crash into the cauldron just as it lights.
  7. People claim Mike Judge predicted the future with his movie "Idiocracy" I have it on good authority he just spent a weekend touring College Station with Liucci and the TexAgs crew.
  8. So, they took their three year old to pick out a pit bull and now they want people to contribute to their GoFundMe to cover the cost of their brilliant idea?
  9. Better to be pissed off than pissed on.
  10. C'mon, Nicole. We know you are really just scouting possible body dump locations for a future trip to Paris.
  11. What hammer? EA has gotten away with producing broken sports franchises for decades. They slap some new feature in every year and toss in roster updates, leave in the broken shit, and sell a ton of copies.
  12. Not at all, they just believe they are doing the Lord's work..
  13. Would they? They rape women instead of little boys, and cover it up. Plus, they kill cats and teammates.
  14. At least they didn't ask him if he knew his zip code.
  15. In a blender with some tequila makes a pretty good frozen beverage.
  16. Got the fixins for this today. Shockingly, the Rundberg HEB had the sub rolls.
  17. As we Texas fans know, Mack will quit before he retires.
  18. It probably takes some time to get that one judge out of her crypt, so probably not a right away type thing.
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