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Certifiably Surly
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texifornia last won the day on December 5 2023

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  1. I regret to inform you that Cardale Jones' quote is from 12 years ago, so recent might be an overstatement!
  2. Tweener and a diva who will probably go MLB anyway
  3. That's sweet. Their newish ULM logo is attractive, but fits awkwardly on a helmet. This is much more fun.
  4. They do that Shamrock Series special once a year. It's always gaudy bullshit, and their legion of brainless Long Island and Chicago exurb t-shirt fans buy them all up. That ND x Yankees pinstripe one they did is the quickest way to spot someone who makes women deeply uncomfortable.
  5. I had a multi-day swim meet there. Similar experience. Went to Dixie Chicken one of the days and couldn't believe it when I was told that dusty little Northgate strip was the fun part of town. It's just weird, everything's out of scale to each other - gigantic roads and fields, small low town buildings, bulky ugly university buildings. None of it hangs together in a way that feels good.
  6. Chef Sark in the kitchen making duck shawarma. Hook 'em, Josiah!
  7. There might not be a less "fun pool party" color than maroon
  8. Strong first name for a baseball staffer.
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