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Certifiably Surly
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ztejas last won the day on March 2

ztejas had the most liked content!


41,178 Surly 1%

About ztejas


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  1. CC had a career high and broke the rookie total points record yesterday.
  2. We worked the spread by 2 TDs with our 2nd string QB in the game. Didn't do anything crazy but we looked damn good. Again.
  3. Reported for what. You don't understand how a football schedule works. Also you're fat. Lose some weight.
  4. If you drank less over your career you wouldn't be a Liverpool fan.
  5. It's fine. Let her come up with some other God awful cocktail or excuse for being fat.
  6. Mo Bamba sideline tryna act like he hasn't gaf his entire NBA career.
  7. You made a pretty dickass comment. Don't come back to me with some "oh I was just kidding" bullshit. Own what you posted. I don't like drunk me either. Join the club.
  8. Oh I don't give a shit. I have like 4x your rep here so maybe hang out with some different cats.
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