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Certifiably Surly
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ChickenSandwich last won the day on October 10 2020

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9,264 Surly 1%

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  1. Didn’t have Papa Smurf on meth on my bingo card
  2. Having never seen the movie or read the book, the only viable candidate was the wife (besides Rusty because he lost that case). Her actions/reactions made no sense unless she killed the mistress to keep her husband/family. Explains why she didn’t leave. She saw the cover up and trial as signs of love. She told him about the bartender to get a reaction, and her ice cold tone with the lawyers in private discussing “how she should look/feel” made her seem capable. Otherwise the show gave you zero other options as to a killer besides Rusty, besides making you think the other characters were dumb or bad people of course.
  3. Was a no brainer suggestion so of course they fucked it up. God forbid they try to improve the product for the fans. FIA ANNOUNCES F1 TEAMS' REJECTION OF POINTS SYSTEM CHANGES https://www.motorsport.com/f1/news/fia-announces-f1-teams-rejection-of-points-system-changes/10638058/
  4. Netflix is the modern day equivalent of channel surfing. They have a massive amount of content most have not seen. Even if it’s crap, it is easy to try a bunch content and not pay much attention/investment to it. Think of all of the dumb series and movies you otherwise never heard of discovered channel surfing on cable growing up. *Netflix also dominates outside of the US, the others aren’t close **actually youtube is closer, but close enough
  5. Norris and max acting like spoiled cunts was better than the action on track lol
  6. WNBA needs to fire their PR team. Awful
  7. They didn’t have good footage of the Yuki crash but looks like he got airborne.
  8. Sounds childish but I’d imagine she is trying to fit in/make friends this weekend more so than expand the brand. She will downplay the spotlight and push it to the other all-stars.
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