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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by ztejas

  1. This is an absurd statement. The US overall has trended left and progressive for 60+ years now. Go tell a black woman she's worse off now than she was in 1992.
  2. @bolverk I'd hate to disappoint you. I think- overall - our country/nation has been going in the wrong direction for quite a few decades, now. I think that we've lost the values that made us so God damn good to begin with. And I guess I just don't like watching that shit escape out the window. Does that make me a conservative/republican? I don't know. Sometimes, I guess. I'm fiercely pro choice. But how much does my voice even matter when it comes to abortion? It seems like it doesn't matter a whole lot. At the end of the day I'm always going to be a split-ticket, intellectual, cynical asshole. I will happily listen to any pro-dem rhetoric here (btw). If we could at least keep it congenial and entertain the idea that there are folks in this ciountry voting Trump. My best friend who I've been hanging out with a lot lately is pretty fiercely anti-Trump and I almost want to vote Kamala just because I'm a big fan of his. I'm just a dude at the end of the day. My vote counts for 1.
  3. Agree. He's better than both of them. He's LeBron fucking James.
  4. I didn't type this btw I was high.
  5. White, male. Born and raised in Texas. College degree in hand. Raised upper middle class and I still (sort of) enjoy that lifestyle. I'm leaning Trump but come election day will likely wind up voting dem. I think voting conservative is the right thing to do but everyone around me disagrees so I will likely vote dem. I voted Biden in 2020 and I voted straight ticket dem against Abbot and crew in 2022. I am not against hitting Trump on the ballot box. YMMV
  6. If you're over the age of like, 23, and you're getting your panties in a fucking wad over spoilers over some fucking fan-service movie then like maybe just start the car in the garage and keep it running.
  7. ztejas

    USMNT 2024

    Correct. And we should win the next 2. At the end of the day, Canada doesn't have Pulisic.
  8. It stays plugged in. And it's loud. But God damn does it perform.
  9. Shaq is a weird guy to rate. LeBron is 100% the best player since Jordan. I'd probably have it: Lebron Duncan Steph Kobe Shaq KD/Jokic Then the rest.
  10. I mean I got this a few months back and it absolutely fucking shreds.
  11. This is the type of rant that makes me unable to quit the NBA. It really is like the bachelor for straight, athletic dudes.
  12. The only argument that I need for KD > Wade is imagine if you put Durant and LeBron on the same team in 2011.
  13. I'll hang myself before I watch LeBron, Steph and KD lose a basketball game to anyone.
  14. This is still so much funnier than the terrible media days speech.
  15. We're just playin a little baseball up here. Go back to your drinks.
  16. So it did. I took the day off work. May have to go catch one.
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