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Hornius Emeritus

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  1. I was so excited and honored to be chosen to carry the Surly flag.
  2. Okay ... this sounds weird but their chocolate hummus is pretty tasty. I put it on one side of a toasted muffin and some cold cream cheese on the other and it's righteous.
  3. This is so great. Wait until the very end. Setup: a little girl is being told she's going to Disneyland, which brings out tears of joy.
  4. The one thing I'm taking away is how awesome Victor Campenaerts is. Not so much as a cyclist but just as a human being. His emotion after winning stage 18, his "cooking with Victor Campenaerts" videos on YouTube (which I didn't know about until this Tour), his training videos --- all of them show him to be a genuine, funny, self-deprecating human being and all-around good guy.
  5. I was also impressed by Almeida. He's only 25 and it appears that each year he's getting stronger.
  6. Tadej is going to win this time trial. He's taken more than a minute out of Jonas. Fuck.
  7. That finale to the second Newhart show was absolute magic. Best ending scene to any comedy show ever.
  8. There's going to be A LOT of switching of commitments between now and the first signing day. Mark it down. October, November and December will be unlike anything we've ever seen. Many of these recruits have been promised money that simply doesn't exist.
  9. The last 300 or so meters by Tadej today were simply unbelievable. He rode away from Vingo effortlessly. I have to believe Tadej is cheating. Nice to see an American in the top 10 again. Way to go, Matteo!
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