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TwiceHorn last won the day on June 9 2022

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  1. This all goes back to the "conservative" obsession with "standards." The guy with the best grades from the best school is undoubtedly the best lawyer, or doctor, or whatever. My experience tells me that standards can only tell you so much and the correlation between top-top and actually best in the field is pretty slim. What it really is is an ostensibly neutral justification for discriminating in favor of certain groups, primarily white men. Audie Murphy was 5-5 and 132 give or take when he earned the MOH. I'll defer to the military types as to combat qualifications.
  2. The tests are the same. We also have different standards for different ages, all based on average capabilities of men and women of certain ages. The variance among big and small weak and strong men is taken into account by the average, but age provides a different standard. Similarly, women are smaller than men in weight and height, so their averages are accounted for by the different standards. At the passing level, the deadlift difference is 20lbs, power throw is 2m, pushups are the same, 2 mile run is a minute and a half (out of 20). BFD.
  3. A "company" owned by Steven Hotze that hawks bullshit supplements. And has been a plaintiff on multiple ACA/religion cases. Because Hotze is in Texas, it's not much of a forum-shop. And the case is really about whether the officials that decide what treatments shall be free under the ACA are officers that require appointment with advise and consent of the Senate. Told you that's a pesky fucking issue all over the law.
  4. Or two weevils, which may be the case here.
  5. Well, Google just lost an antitrust suit and the proposed remedy is divestiture of Chrome, among other things. And that suit was filed during the Trump administration. There's an ongoing case by the FTC against Meta that commenced during the Biden administration. Apple and Amazon are pending trial, also. Ds and Rs may have different reasons for pursuing antitrust actions, the Ds more pure, obviously, but the result is about the same.
  6. There has actually been a pretty bipartisan effort against big tech.
  7. Would have guessed older than that. Blue Velvet was a highly quotable film during undergrad and for a few years after and set up Twin Peaks nicely, which unfortunately fell off a cliff. I'd forgotten some of his more mainstream flicks. RIP.
  8. How about combat fitness tests? https://www.army.mil/acft/ https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Portals/55/Support/Culture Resilience/Physical/Guide_5-Physical_Readiness_Test_PRT_JAN_2023.pdf?ver=OlmOLoZTfCA641JUkAnIaw%3d%3d
  9. I actually know David Cook. He's not a bad guy, but I haven't gotten political with him. There's a few data points indicating he's not a big Trumper type. But his suppport from the ultra-loons seems to belie that. But hell, I don't know.
  10. I tend to agree. His position relative to hers made it non-consensual, even though she thought she consented. Thus, it is assaultive. But it does push the boundaries of consent.
  11. And nigras, and commanis, and hommasekshuls, specially them morphadites.
  12. Tim Kaine was Mayor of Richmond during the Clinton impeachment. Clinton was not impeached for infidelity, but rather perjury and obstruction of justice. The Senate that tried Clinton's impeachment had 15 R votes to acquit on both counts. The "democrat" Senate could not have done it alone. But I know you got your talking point from Megyn Kelly. Nice work.
  13. Weirdly enough, that second dewormer mentioned in the cast, not ivermectin, shows some ability to slow tumor growth in pancreatic cancer, in mice. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/news/newsroom/news-releases/2021/08/johns-hopkins-study-anti-parasitic-drug-slows-pancreatic-cancer-in-mice Of course, the morons have gone off with this, like they did with ivermectin's apparent ability to kill covid in a petri dish.
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