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Certifiably Surly
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TwiceHorn last won the day on June 9 2022

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  1. Coyotes plural, usually. A decent sized house cat is usually a match for a solo coyote, a big mean one more than a match. But coyotes like most dogs are pack hunters.
  2. People that emigrated from oppressive regimes, especially communist ones, seem to strongly prefer dictatorship to anything that might in some way be considered socialist.
  3. Neglecting all the shit he's talked on judges that ruled against him in the last 20 years or so.
  4. Jaws had its world premiere at Medallion Theater in Dallas, which was near where I grew up. Between that and Jaws tshirts, which were all the rage, I saw it pretty young. It was scary, particularly that opening scene and when Quint got munched. I suppose I have seen it so many times since and focused on other things (doll's eyes, bigger boat, etc.) that its impact is blunted.
  5. Funny story on this one. When I was in middle/high school I had a 13" TV on my desk, which was actually a card table, so not that small. Nevertheless, the TV was a bit close. I was doing my homework one night and watching American Werewolf (pretty sure I had seen it before) and one of those scenes of Griffin Dunne in his various states of decomposition came on. I happened to look up and saw pretty up close and nearly barfed. My gorge rose as the literary types might say. Nothing on screen has come that close to making me barf before or since.
  6. That's like, your opinion, man. Cats rule.
  7. Cats don't really need companions, they're solo. But, I suspect that once the kitten grows out of being a little terrorist, they'll be friends. We had a similar dynamic with the youngest and oldest and they're pretty good buds now. Although the younger one still occasionally terrorizes the old guy.
  8. And what about oil companies? Won't anyone consider their profits?
  9. Not to mention all the evidence of self-interest. He doesn't give a frog's fat ass about America. He's in it for him.
  10. Not Americans, obvs. Commanis, marxis, and hommasekshuls and some of em are messkin.
  11. Are those really non-partisan? In the past, I have eschewed voting straight ticket because there have always been candidates in "less-partisan" races, usually judges, from both parties that were the most qualified/competent. But now, fuck all that. Anyone who would put an R by their name is unworthy of my vote. Straight ticket/punish Republicans for the foreseeable future.
  12. Well except for transgender folks. Who are apparently extremely important to his voters, despite constituting less than 2% of the population. And people who are that interested in a tiny fraction of the American people are also acutely interested in the dick size of long-dead golfers. It really makes perfect sense when you think about it.
  13. So, this was an ABC Movie of the Week in 1970. That would have made me four when it first showed. I don't think I was that young when I saw it, but I did see it with a teenaged babysitter from down the street and it scared the crap out of me. Lady above inherits a farm with a history of, and ongoing witchcraft. In one scene in particular, she "hallucinates" having a barn door placed on her and Puritan types stacking rocks on it. I mean, it was the ABC Movie of the Week, it's not like the babysitter was out renting inappropriate shit.
  14. Perhaps it's a sort of reaction to those who want to improve the state of things here and therefore "hate America."
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