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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by TwiceHorn

  1. Yeah, I thought to mention the feature/bug thing. But, military ammunition is forbidden from expanding or flattening in the human body, so 5.56/.223 is a bit of an end-around there.
  2. I can't be sure, but one of the knocks on .223 is that it tumbles on the slightest impact. If he was more than barely grazed, I tend to think a .223 round would have destroyed his ear and maybe even deflected into his skull.
  3. Man, I thought I won the older parents Olympics. You got me beat by a 19 year differential.
  4. Yeah, the seasonal rotation makes sense in machines near hunting areas. But for the grocery stores, it's gonna be 100% 9mm and .223, probably the cheapest shit you can find, and marked up excessively. Plenty of hollow point, though.
  5. Yeah, the pips on the shoulder boards are an easier, more reliable way to figure out rank. Something is odd, though. The peaked cap lacks the eagle at the top that was featured in one variant or another on Heer, Luftwaffe, and Kriegsmarine hats. The lower part appears to be Heer. Not Luftwaffe, no eagle above the right chest pocket. Makes me think maybe a postwar uniform. Edit to add, may be police of the non-gestapo variety. Ordnungpolizei or Orpo. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ranks_and_insignia_of_the_Ordnungspolizei
  6. But you haven't examined him. And you probably aren't sober so shut your fucking yap you disgrace to the navy and to Texas.
  7. That actually looks like it might be a broad nib fountain pen. Lindsey likes girth, y'know. Sharpie signatures, like lifted 4wd trucks, and a lotta guns, are a sign of masculine insecurity, i.e. little dick syndrome.
  8. I had the usual or maybe a worse case of adolescent inferiority/insecurity. I hit 6-0 7/8 as a freshman, and, other than rounding up to 6-1, have never felt any urge to make myself taller. I was just thrilled to break six feet.
  9. I think it's a lot like fetch. In fact, it is so fetch.
  10. Maybe someone who is well-adjusted and doesn't want to be interrupted or distracted for an hour or two.
  11. Putting that in your bio novel is as gratuituous and stupid as Noem putting in the doggocide.
  12. I remain conservative in that I favor incremental change in a lot of ways (that brought about by partisan compromise). And, I tend toward something resembling some sort of fiscal responsibility. That said, I think free-market capitalism has run completely amok. Deregulation and "small" or non-functional government is a bad idea, even if government makes a bit of a hash of things (see first sentence). The private sector makes a hash of things quite often and it's more deleterious than government hashes. I also feel that there has been a moral and spiritual decay in our society, but not one that requires "family values" as conceived by the GQP to fix. Quite the contrary actually. The decay relates to lack of consideration of our fellow man, whatever their circumstances, color, or creed. So, in addition to voting against Trump, I am ready to vote for some investment in people and society and enough of this "every man and corporation for himself" shite that the GQP pumps. That's what's wrong with us.
  13. I did say "suppose it is something of a valid point." That's not exactly a ringing endorsement of the handcruser position. One other thing about political experience as a DA or AG. Yes, it is an elected position and requires some political savvy. But, in another sense, the job(s) have more "measurables" than most political offices (at least until recently, when the notion of "progressive prosecutor" became tenable, and the rise of AG offices in promoting a hard right agenda, see, e.g. Missouri and Texas) in the form of budget, conviction rate, etc. So people weren't voting in wholly partisan fashion, and certainly not in Cali. You raise valider points.
  14. Exactly how did Montel Williams advance her political career? Also, why sidepiece? He was unmarried at the time. Also, no one here really ever gave a shit about the dossier except the amusing part about the pee tapes. There's a shit ton of evidence that Trump wittingly and unwittingly received assistance from Russia. Your takes are so breathtakingly "alternative." Who exactly is obedient here? Who is slurping dildos?
  15. Fuck the federal response part, what about the Soros/747/black women part. JFC this guy is a troglodyte.
  16. Yeah, that's all fair. She was the obvious choice to replace Biden on the ticket, but that whole thing made me nervous. Seems to have worked out swimmingly.
  17. I used to love WP. But there's a Linux VM built into every chromebook. The only problem is the LibreOffice version in the apt repository is several versions back. Can either install a tarball or use flatpak. I had success with the former for a while, but then it stopped opening, flatpak has become my solution.
  18. I suppose it is something of a valid point that she was not even hardly in contention in the Democratic Primary in 2020. Part of it was inexperience and part I think that she was "a cop." Now she's wildly popular. But one thing I think has changed, and it's not so much her experience as Veep, but the fact that Biden has a fully functional and fairly smoothly operating Cabinet and other appointed officials (Officers of the United States). I assume that she's not going to fuck with that much. I really hope she learned from the debacle that apparently was her VP staff and will stick with Joey Two-Scoops' people. Also, yes she can be considered a "lesser of two evils" vote. But, unlike most times that shibboleth is uncorked, the greater of the evils is actually, well, evil.
  19. For me, word processing was the deal breaker on apps. But Linux to the rescue.
  20. And I imagine they are hideously shitty running W11.
  21. I guess my point is that they are more capable than people give them credit for, depending on your usage. I've been out of the Windows ecosystem for nearly a decade now and don't miss it at all.
  22. Point of order. The "Border Czar" thing is complete bullshit. She was tasked with working in the Northern Triangle to stop immigration at the source. Which is why she never went to the southwestern border. Her remit was further south. https://time.com/7001817/kamala-harris-immigration/
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