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Burnt Ends
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Captainant last won the day on July 9

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  1. We really REALLY need a US version of the GDPR. It's fucking absurd how impossible it is to avoid all the data skimming in the US
  2. The tumbling is a feature more than a bug, actually. It's a designed to prevent over penetration and transfer the most energy possible into the target It's possible he got dinged by a rapidly spinning bullet tumbling end over end. Enough to break the skin and scare the ever loving shit out of everyone, but not enough to do even lasting superficial damage. It really just is ridiculous that the WWE superstar hall of famer had a botched assassination attempt like this. The way trump went down and got back up with only a small bit of blood is like something you'd see at WrestleMania after someone blades them self to up the ante in the match.
  3. He's healed remarkably well for a 78 year old if he really did get shot in the ear and not ever-so-slightly grazed
  4. What did your iPhone fall out of a coconut tree?
  5. Where in the FUCK has this democratic party been for the last 8 years??
  6. Dude that's like a bad highschool class president campaign video lol
  7. I really dig this as a way for agencies to get their message out and show that they're listening and working on real issues. No need to fuck with a press release and all that
  8. I hope you didn't get a shaming vibe from me - it's ok to be a weird little freak! Just don't be a fascist because you're ashamed of yourself. Ya know, along the lines of grindr going down in Milwaukee during the RNC while the republicans are trying to undo Obergefell
  9. so vance gets all jacked up on mountain dew and then cranks it to dolphin porn? It's a shame these folks that go into politcs are so repressed - if they just let their freak flag fly they'd be wayyyyyyyyy less angry at the world
  10. It really is incredible how you always link the biggest pieces of shit on Twitter lol. That profile is just a star wars themed culture war screed, they've even been noted a few times for tweeting angrily about shit that didn't happen lol
  11. Which circles back around to the disparity in policing and law enforcement, and shit like the war on drugs being designed to break up families and put people into for profit prisons. Among many other schemes to keep prisons nice and full so their shareholders can get the returns they are entitled to
  12. Genuinely, most of the adults I knew growing up did not make enough to max their 401k. I know my household didn't growing up. Do you think the median American worker bringing home $45k/yr is able to contribute max to their 401k? Yeah no shit, the best way to make money is to have money. The problem tends to be starting that process of building when the majority of America is fighting to keep heads above water
  13. There's also a funny thing where the windshield is a weak spot on cars in the game, so it had an EXTRA LARGE weak spot with the mega windshield lol
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