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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Captainant

  1. The campus free speech bill was literally passed in response to ATM students refusing to allow a neonazi speak at their campus. It was designed to hold the door open for hateful speech and a political agenda onto campuses.
  2. You been reading a different message board than me? Or are you just projecting your frustration onto the posters on surly you dislike?
  3. Lmfao he's being so cunty about it
  4. TIL word salad is a viable defense for multiple criminal indictments! Wow what a neat new loophole discovered by trumpco! It never seemed to work before, but it sure baffles the brightest legal minds now. Literally any other defendant would be spending at least one night in county for this many willfil and repeated violations of court orders. Never fucking mind the threats against the judge's family. The kid gloves trump gets as standard are just ridiculous and show the American justice system to be the multi-tiered farce that it is.
  5. Fines just mean it's illegal for poor people to do it
  6. Hey, at least they were able to deliver some sweet sweet profitability to their shareholders at the mere cost of destroying a public natural resource
  7. Can't wait for pronghorn and sack to post him as an authoritative source and then get butthurt when called out on it
  8. Well that just sounds completely unrealistic
  9. I'm a surly dad now! Our daughter was born early this morning at 12:55AM happy and healthy. So incredibly thankful for the healthy baby and momma ❤️
  10. I really do wonder how much the ubiquity of micro plastics and PFAS/PFOS in literally every facet of life - even the fucking tap water in Texas. It would not surprise me if 15 or 20 years down the line we all learn just how badly we've been poisoning ourselves. This generations leaded gasoline sorta thing
  11. Captainant


    Abbott's rule means firing teachers who are or present as gay or non CIS. That is othering and social exclusion, and forcing hardship on people simply because they do not comply with the cultural norm. These people are trying to make it such that you cannot exist in Texas as anything but a cisgender heterosexual person, or else face criminal or civil sanction. You are blind if you cannot connect those dots. You saying this to someone who's already doing those things is why you're getting the heat you are. I vote, volunteer for local causes, donate to local races on occasion, and have even walked around and knocked on doors for a candidate for days on end. Problem is, I don't have enough money speech to compete with the Texas oil oligarchs that are trying to make my home state into a shit hole. The """pAtH oF LeAsT rEsIsTaNcE""" is you choosing to accept the framing and dance to the tune of those rich oligarchs that want to take away voting and civil rights. For fucks sake, I feel like you wouldn't anything short of Auschwitz "fascism". Do you need me to share Umberto Eco's helpful guide for identifying and characterizing them?
  12. Gee, it's like he's projecting all the time, or something
  13. @immamac this is the essence of my posting in the national thread. There is an active promotion of fringe content that is getting spammed across everyone's feed, and the folks respamming it elsewhere genuinely believe they're using good sources. They fuckin ain't. Make a rule about it if you want me to stop pointing out that people are using literal propagandists to inform the thread and conversation on YOUR message board.
  14. At least you've learned to check your links and sources before you share them (I hope)
  15. All fueled by his financial fraud of a pump'n'dump of TSLA and cryptocurrency. Ah, nirvana.
  16. It's a problem when the discussion is being led by musks Twitter algo because that's the only thing some folks are capable of posting in this thread. It's important to point out when people are shitting in the punch bowl. If you WANT a good discussion, you should at least be clicking the fucking profile of someone before taking their post and inserting it into the discussion.
  17. Work requirements for social benefits are just another subsidy for wage slave employers
  18. Your insistence on fellating a wannabe brown shirt is noted. He is a professional provocateur with a history of overstating and occasionally fabricating all the worst things you deeply believe about auntie-pho https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/books/story/2021-02-08/andy-ngo-new-book-still-pretends-antifa-real-enemy https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/andy-ngo-right-wing-troll-antifa-877914/ From the Stones article: In the hours following the mass shooting in El Paso, Texas, which took more than 20 people’s lives, Ngo was instrumental in promoting the conspiracy theory that antifa had played a role; when that was thoroughly debunked, he helped perpetuate the theory that the man behind the Dayton, Ohio shooting was a member of antifa, despite the fact that there is no evidence he was involved in local activism or organizing.
  19. My man youre literally citing people with "propagandist" in their Twitter profile lol
  20. https://www.portlandmercury.com/news/2023/08/09/46651345/jury-rules-against-andy-ngo-in-activist-lawsuit
  21. Credit where it's due that you realize you've made an echo chamber for yourself, but musk has really cranked the dials up on amplifying right wing stuff since his acquisition of twitter. You're gonna continue having trouble to find facesitting vids when the platform continues to invite neonazis and very fine people like alex jones BACK onto his privately owned platform. That's the sort of contributors that musk is hoping for on HIS Twitter. So just be aware of what you're repeating when you're just "posting what you see". Andy Ngo in particular has been told he's full of shit by several courts and it is a matter of legal fact that he's a liar and an instigating troll
  22. That is a DT CLASSIC move for during civil unrest! They haven't lost a step
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