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Brisketexan last won the day on July 19

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  1. And again, just hammer him on simple, clear, batshit statements like those. Won’t let him run away. Shove them in his face. Relentlessly.
  2. Yeah…my socials have more than a few people decrying that “Satanism is running loose,” all that psychotic shit. “The end of days,” “we are in the ultimate battle of good vs evil.” FFS. Go drink some fucking cyanide Koolaid, you joyless cultists.
  3. I mean…I wouldn’t say a search for donkey necrophilia is OBSCURE…
  4. Brisketexan

    Austin FC

    Yeah, one of the best matches we’ve seen. In terms of heart and result, at least. Wolff’s management of players on yellows is…non-existent. And I sweatergawd, every time I see teen Wolff come on, I get ragey. He’s so hesitant with the ball, and to shoot. Man of the match was RING. His goal was a veteran’s vision and experience at work. As was his cross to Driussi. And most importantly, what wasn’t as apparent, was him holding them together as captain with 10 men and it getting VERY chippy on the pitch. That was huge. And you know what else it did? It freed Driussi up to PLAY. He played well. Ring should keep the armband. It’s best for the team, and best for Driussi, if he’s mature enough to accept that truth.
  5. Most places where there are houses for airbnb....are not as "walkable" for dining and nightlife. SOCO is probably the best bet in that respect, maybe some of the near east side as well. Burnet between 45th and 183 may kinda give you that, with some longer walks.
  6. I mean....was it really? Also, can we get us some of them Minnesota Democrats? They seem to know how to be....functional.
  7. Counterpoint: if Trump decides he needs to be off the ticket, Vance is off the ticket, because Trump is God, Trump is The Law, Trump is Everything, All Hail Trump. Seriously, there is no dissent in the GQP. If Trump decides it, Vance has no choice.
  8. I got one of those. I replied "Fuck off, you treasonous simp." Immediate auto-response: "You have successfully unsubscribed." I wonder what word Cruz's camp set up to trigger that auto-response? Fuck? Treason? Simp? All of them?
  9. There are still room nights available that weekend? That's nuts. Walkable areas with places to eat and hang out are 1) downtown itself (southern end, you're looking at hotel rooms), 2) SOCO area (gonna be expensive as hell), 3) the Domain (again, hotels only, and not close to any of the "action" in town, but probably more affordable and available), and 4) the near east side (like along 1st or 6th E of 35....but will be expensive and crowded). Those are initial thoughts. But I'd grab whatever you can at this point, that's a crazy weekend.
  10. Dude....it's like you've never even heard of....A CHARRETTE! WE LOVE CHARRETTES! CHARRETTES FOR EVERYONE!
  11. Well, yeah. Because "fucking people/things that didn't consent" is HIS lane, people. JD best step off.
  12. If they sink the Titanic and drown Leonardo DiCaprio AGAIN....I'm IN.
  13. NO FUCKING SHIT. FOR FUCKING REAL. And this. This new "okay, we're going to fucking fight back now" Democratic party is something, and I'm here for it. Well, I mean, I have a lot on my plate, but since she practically called me out by name.....I'll see what I can do. I'd like to go ahead and request that we stock some cheap beer and pork rinds in the Navy Mess....policymaking is thirsty and hungry work. CSB; a couple of years after that, my mother was seated at a dinner next to Stockdale. She said he was sharp and was a great and witty conversationalist.
  14. It's lizard-brained moral calculus. Has life gotten better for poor white folks over the last 50+ years? By and large, yes....just like it has for all other poor folks. BUT....have they seen that, as they advance (which they've done for the better part of a century), minorities ALSO advance? In fact, those minorities, who historically advanced much less (because of Jim and Juan Crow, etc.), have advanced at even a greater rate than maybe poor white people (as they had more ground to make up). So, poor white people had lives that were 50% "better off" than black people. Those poor people now have lives that are a fair bit better than they were 50 years ago...but now they're only 30% "better off" than black people. That makes the lizard brain angry. If the reward system gave Monkey A 2 grapes when it accomplished a task, but only gave Monkey B 1 grape when it accomplished the same task, but NOW the reward system is to give Monkey A 3 grapes (1 grape better than before), but Monkey B gets 4 grapes (1 better than Monkey A gets), Monkey A gets PISSED. Even though Monkey A is better off, and has more grapes than before...he's pissed, because that OTHER monkey is getting something more. So, Monkey A votes for a system that fucking burns down all the grape vines. Because if Monkey A can't be the vastly superior grape-getter, then fuck all grapes, NOBODY gets em.
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