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Brisketexan last won the day on April 30

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  1. Counterpoint: there are no real women on the internet.
  2. We are near Anderson High. We got HAMMERED last night. About 1.6 inches in a very short time, super high winds....which knocked out power to our whole part of the hood. Around 1500 homes, we heard. We were without power from 7:45 pm to almost 1:00 am. Yay.
  3. I mean, that is LITERALLY the attack path that the Putin regime has taken - we must attack Ukraine because they are Nazis, but also, they are namby pamby libtards who allow queerness, so we have to attack them to protect Christendom. And because that's Putin's take, that is 100% three-toed Marge's take.
  4. Yeah. This one certainly doesn't agree. This too. I was probably on the higher end of the sex drive bell curve. Now that I'm of a certain age, it's probably down to "pretty normal." And this. I was chasing girls with all I had from a pretty early age, and I wasn't pressured by anyone, wasn't trying to impress anyone....I was really, really, really into girls, and wanted as much action as I could possibly get. But also, the "guys just don't want sex as much" rings bullshitty to me, kind of a "those grapes are sour anyway" shit. Why do I say that? Because "incels" aren't just sitting at home, happy to be playing video games and eating Cheetos. No...a shitload of them are angry, bitter, and resentful of "Chads" getting all the "Stacies." If we were just dealing with a lower sex drive, they wouldn't care. But they care. Deeply. They are angry - the the point of becoming violent. Since the beginning of time, men have chased sex. Because they want it. Today is no different. If young men are dealing with 1) social impetus to just not be that into sex, but underneath, 2) they still have the same biology we all had, and have had for millenia....yeah, I can see why we're dealing with some messed up dudes.
  5. God, what a piece of shit cocksucker he is.
  6. You do you. As Barbie once said, "math is hard."
  7. That's what it says. But comparing it to data for other years, it's wrong. Samsung historically uses around 7 THOUSAND acre feet per year, not 7 million. So, the numbers given are the actual numbers (don't multiply by 1000).
  8. I mean, I bet he likes curvy brunettes, too. This Blumenthal guy and I should TOTALLY hang out, he's credible!
  9. Y'all are looking at this all wrong. It's about to be testicle tanning season!
  10. I dig it. Would be better on saltines, though.
  11. One can't blame her for wanting to Make Ugly Great Again.
  12. Yeah…all home tortilla presses are geared towards corn. The only good flour tortilla press I ever seen is a big heavy commercial one, like you see at Cabo Bob’s.
  13. Huh. You'd think their products would be very, very good at killing people.
  14. Disagree. I have much more respect for people who just have kinks than people who are delusional conspiracy theory-spouting morons. Put whatever you want up your ass, but quit with the fucking sociopathic lies.
  15. No, see, when right wingers/white people carry a gun, that's PATRIOT FREEDOM SECOND AMENDMENT AMERICA! When left wingers/non-whites carry a gun, that's THUG TERRORIST TROUBLEMAKERS! Did you not get that memo? Coulda sworn you were on the routing slip.
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