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Certifiably Surly
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About mchookem

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  1. i mean this might have been one of the funniest skits in years lol "... and suddenly there's this Irish cacophony behind me!"
  2. i have absolutely ADORED Nandor DeLaurentis' accent from day one. there are so many clever lines that became absolutely hysterical bc of his accent. well done!
  3. ground turkey lettuce wraps. so spicy my mate never knew the difference 😄
  4. not a person here on either side doesn't know he/she would have lost more support than that if he'd announced a cessation of support for Israel. the biggest catch22 of the entire election imo.
  5. this may be one that some of you have heard... the chorus might sound familiar anyway. very Elton John-ish.
  6. altogether now!... "if democrats were bigger assholes we'd all be better off!"
  7. i know who he is, i actually like a few of his songs. im not even sure Timberlake could draw this kind of crowd. having said that... this movie looks weird af and certainly not a draw in the US. what a boneheaded move lol.
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