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Certifiably Surly
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About mchookem

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  1. that horse was so cool... i saw something similar at a Chinese light festival last summer here in Denver and it was also super cool... 20230729_202703.mp4
  2. Icono/Macklemore is way more fun 😆
  3. i've been watching Cheers at night to go to sleep. still funny... but gotDAMN the sexual harassment is off the charts! 😮 i don't recall ever having a thought about it in the 80s/90s, but that doesnt seem that long ago. hard to believe it was on consecutively with shows like Seinfeld and Murphy Brown. it's pretty incredible.
  4. lol i'm starting to think this guy really doesn't want to win 🤨
  5. for real though...is it KA-ma-la, or ka-MA-la? 🤔 i feel like i've heard it various ways but i don't think i've ever heard her actually pronounce it. or if i have i've forgotten.
  6. i mean that 'focus group' was clearly all maga... what was the point? 🙄
  7. i mean he said exactly why he was dropping out and yes it was totally a political decision.
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