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  • Birthday March 15


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  1. He doesn't have children with his 2nd wife who he's divorcing.
  2. Was talking to the tight ends at the burnt ends dinner and I asked them if they made fun of sark for his tits and how fat he's gotten. They said he's been working out like a me and he's lost a bunch of weight.
  3. He can say he did that on purpose to save the country from Hitler and it would be at least plausible.
  4. I guess my question has always been what are people doing at home besides NVR that would require anything sophisticated. This is more like a small business setup than a home network though. Nttawwt, for that much networking to be needed you need a lot of compute or a lot of data being sent to justify the cost. You could kit out a pretty sick 2U redundant compute cluster with 100TB+ of storage for relatively cheap nowadays and that would run everything from home lab to self hosted everything.
  5. I don't agree. I think barring serious legal issues you can't coerce him to resign as it's a completely no win situation for him and he's a vindictive piece of shit.
  6. JD Vance isnt going to resign. Losing ruins his political career but resigning makes it over immediately with no possibility of winning.
  7. It can't be only one party specific. The we may be fucked thing works for both candidates. The current thread title is neutral as well.
  8. Pretty cool technology showcase from Intel here. https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/newsroom/news/intel-ai-powers-8k-ott-broadcast-at-olympics.html
  9. This thread is for people who want to put thoughts of why they don't really fit or aren't enthusiastic or excited about either parties platform. These aren't discussion threads, they are more observational. That's not to say some discussion won't happen in them, but this isn't a circle jerk rallying thread this is a thread to put your thoughts. So less back and forth, but building on other opinions/positions is fine. This is also not a thread for you to come in and tell everyone why they are stupid there are other threads for that. A few rules: 1) No clarifying questions that involve justification are allowed. (Example: I am pro life/choice cannot be clarified by "but what about a woman's rights" but can be clarified by "are there any exclusions to that position") 2) No "fact checking" or any other discussion around the stated reason why. This isn't a thread to pursuade or dissuade people, it's why you are excited. 3) No negging of other candidates as a valid reason why. (Example: "I'm voting for xxx because I hate yyy") 4) No tweets/social/regurgitated shit, all content must be your own thoughts. Summarizing or referencing specific legislation from .gov or 1st party citations is allowed. 5) Posters who post more than 5 times per page will be removed from the discussion or have their comments removed. Exception being if you are just adding content or expanding on thought.
  10. I'm starting 2 of these threads and I'm going to moderate them pretty differently than all other threads, because I think it will give a forum to talk about the reasons why instead of just nonsensical rooting for it against. These aren't discussion threads, they are more observational. That's not to say some discussion won't happen in them, but this isn't a circle jerk rallying thread this is a thread to put your thoughts. So less back and forth, but building on other opinions/positions is fine. This is also not a thread for you to come in and tell everyone why they are stupid there are other threads for that. A few rules: 1) No clarifying questions that involve justification are allowed. (Example: I am pro life/choice cannot be clarified by "but what about a woman's rights" but can be clarified by "are there any exclusions to that position") 2) No "fact checking" or any other discussion around the stated reason why. This isn't a thread to pursuade or dissuade people, it's why you are excited. 3) No negging of other candidates as a valid reason why. (Example: "I'm voting for xxx because I hate yyy") 4) No tweets/social/regurgitated shit, all content must be your own thoughts. Summarizing or referencing specific legislation from .gov or 1st party citations is allowed. 5) Posters who post more than 5 times per page will be removed from the discussion or have their comments removed. Exception being if you are just adding content or expanding on thought.
  11. I'm starting 2 of these threads and I'm going to moderate them pretty differently than all other threads, because I think it will give a forum to talk about the reasons why instead of just nonsensical rooting for it against. These aren't discussion threads, they are more observational. That's not to say some discussion won't happen in them, but this isn't a circle jerk rallying thread this is a thread to put your thoughts. So less back and forth, but building on other opinions/positions is fine. This is also not a thread for you to come in and tell everyone why they are stupid there are other threads for that. A few rules: 1) No clarifying questions that involve justification are allowed. (Example: I am pro life/choice cannot be clarified by "but what about a woman's rights" but can be clarified by "are there any exclusions to that position") 2) No "fact checking" or any other discussion around the stated reason why. This isn't a thread to pursuade or dissuade people, it's why you are excited. 3) No negging of other candidates as a valid reason why. (Example: "I'm voting for xxx because I hate yyy") 4) No tweets/social/regurgitated shit, all content must be your own thoughts. Summarizing or referencing specific legislation from .gov or 1st party citations is allowed. 5) Posters who post more than 5 times per page will be removed from the discussion or have their comments removed. Exception being if you are just adding content or expanding on thought.
  12. We need a new thread title now that it's clear who the 2 candidate are. I was going to wait until after the DNC, but if the Obama's are in that means it's happening.
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