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Horn Dog

Burnt Ends
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  1. I have 3 kids in college in 3 states. I told all 3 that I will sponsor a pizza party on election night for all of their friends/classmates that vote (but don’t invite maga) What in the fuck if she doing??? I fucking swear if Hope kills her dad before election day I am gonna be very pissed!
  2. I knda want to donate $1 to the Trump/Vance campaign so thay when Vance is forced out I can sue for the campaign to refund all funda donated up to that point.
  3. User name checks. Its like when black women get mad seeing a black man dating a non-Black woman. Women don’t want to see men fucking couches either.
  4. Grift idea! MAGAFLIX we charge $100 a month. We play reruns of Trump getting his ear pierced, civil war reinactments, and slave movies 24/7.
  5. MAGA is usually full of shit but I gotta tell you guys this part is true. I was in the OR yesterday on a very complicated case and I asked for a second opinion from a very bright Harvard fellowship trained surgeon on my team, Dr. Johnson. Instead in walks Juan, a 19yr old MS13 thug. He not only diagnosed the problem instantly but then did a flawless Whipple procedure in 10 minutes. He then aborted 5 babies for women in the waiting room and converted several of the patients male relatives into women. Impressive. I fired Dr. Johnson on the spot.
  6. Fox- “Kamala hates Jews!” Maga- “Like us? Yay Kamala!” Fox- “No… in a bad way this time!” Maga- “ Booo Kamala” Fox- “Kamala is an idiot!” Maga- “Like us? Yay Kamala!” Fox- “No… in a bad way this time!” Fox- “Kamala isn’t even black!” Maga- “Like us? Yay Kamala!” Fox- “No… in a bad way this time!”
  7. Not only that but most people comparing Trump to Hitler are comparing him to EARLY, developing Hitler not fully baked Hitler. In that sense there are valid similarities (although Trump is much stupider).
  8. Is it true the JD Vance fucked 5 couches as a hillbilly? Cause if so I can not vote for JD Vance who fucked 5 couches. JD Vance needs apologize for fucking 5 couches if in fact JD Vance fucked 5 couches! Shame shame on JD Vance for fucking 5 couches, if indeed JD Vance fucked 5 couches ! #JDF5C
  9. Yup he said it. It was likely a Freudian slip, and you can hear him catch himself mid word and try to slur it a bit, but that it what he said.
  10. Just heard Kamala give a speech for the first time in years. She is impressive and is ready to fuck Trump up.
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