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Willfully Horn

Certifiably Surly
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  1. Not that post. This one: Again, try using your words to explain why you think what you do. Edit: Check out the Zappa interview. Lofton made similar claims anout Zappa’s understanding of events and their meaning amd the future consequences. He was as wrong as you were, when you clamed new Texas laws would not put women with problem pregnancies at risk.
  2. Rex, you are entitled to your opinion. This isn’t meant to call you out. I linked the interview because Lofton relied on insults to counter Zappa’s argument, while Zappa laid out his belief the US was heading towards theocratic autocracy, while supporting his belief with facts. At the very least, Zappa saw that US citizens would lose (by SCOTUS fiat(!)) the right to privacy and to control their lives through family planning. (And, if you’re truly listening, I suggest you learn more about Peter Thiels’ goals, as he is underwriting Vances’ VP nomination as heir apparent. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2022/04/inside-the-new-right-where-peter-thiel-is-placing-his-biggest-bets ) While Lofton looks like a tool in hindsight, he had every opportunity to explain why he thought Zappa was nuts. Not doing so relegates his counter argument to history’s shitter. Sure, I’ve labeled @Anastasis a narcissist, and @fattyflattie a psycho, hut I made sure to tell them why, (with receipts.) Just as you claim, Rex, I hope for a discussion. If you, (as well as Ana, Flatty, et al) are posting what you believe and feel, without explanation, then you really have no room to belittle other folks beliefs. Especially @Brisketexan, who does explain why he thinks as he does.
  3. Still not caught up on this thread, SIAP, but @Rex Kramer and @Anastasis take on @Brisketexan posts reminded me of a 1986 Crossfire show when Frank Zappa and John Lofton discissed censorship. Rax and Ana are as ostrich as Lofton. https://archive.org/details/FrankZappaOnCrossfire
  4. The maga hat on the twitter poster might be a clue.
  5. Fentanyl laced water? Seems fucky. First return on a search is the debunked claim roadside workers, while on the job, are being handed drugged water by passersby in various parts of the country. So, this is a disinfo thing. https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-roadside-workers-fentanyl-water-death-hospital-055756958902
  6. Without argument, I was referring to azbadlands.
  7. Alt right nutjob conspiracy theorists must be a protected demographic.
  8. Understand. It just sucks the donation is part of the ongoing major media storyline. And I agree that politics takes a backseat to disaffected maladjustment in this asshole’s motivation.
  9. I haven’t found a link. Care to share? Last night’s reuters and today’s apnews both say he did make the donation, and 20 minutes ago, the BBC said he “reportedly” did so. I hope these outlets are wrong, as removing any tie to left wing causes focuses the narrative. https://apnews.com/article/trump-assassination-attempt-thomas-matthew-crooks-shooter-881581c46c07025898027143fc9132e5 https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c3gw58wv4e9o.amp
  10. I saw that. Reuters got it wrong, or they got it right. I was posting the latest Reuters report, which, for me, carries weight.
  11. According to Reuters, as of 8:30PM CST, this dumbase did register to vote as a Republican, and did contribute to the gotv organization. His father did purchase the AR 556 long gun he used.His hs counselor did not know him to be political, and claimed the shooter was not the subject of bullying. Everyone quoted in the article expressed surprise by his actions: https://www.reuters.com/world/us/heres-what-we-know-about-thomas-matthew-crooks-suspected-trump-rally-shooter-2024-07-14/
  12. Two spectators were critically injured, according to a SS statement.
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