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  1. @royivdescribed it better in the Shits Borked thread
  2. Brat is the cool chick you broke up with and instead of her staying mad and crying about it, takes YOUR friend group
  3. Add some discussion then. what is this shit below? Do English teachers no longer mark up comments like this when they see it on paper and tell people to expand or explain? I think voting conservative is the right thing to do but everyone around me disagrees so I will likely vote dem.
  4. I’m on IPhone and CR seems to keep reloading every topic maybe halfway through the page on its own and a second or third if it is so long to scroll. Don’t know if it’s all the gifs, memes or twitter loads.
  5. Where was Gregory Abbott III when this happened? We NEED TASK FORCE PHOTO OPS!!!
  6. It had been explained 63747252 times how gerrymandering does in fact, fuck up statewide races
  7. I don’t think the “car at 16” milestone will ever be replaced, but you see it all over the trendy cities that e-bikes are the new thing if you don’t have a large commute.
  8. How many times do we have to post wage gains for blue collar workers since COVID or stats on real wages to show nobody cares about your librul bullshit Dixon.
  9. And it’s one trick that Realtors don’t want you to know!
  10. I believe durable goods is what Gen Z calls their conversion vans.
  11. The single greatest GDP report in American history. 2.8%. Gepetto Biden continues to pull all the right strings, and our puppet master puts on a masterful display of economic big-brain activity. Waiting on this upcoming recession has been mighty impressive by some individuals. https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2024/07/25/us-gdp-q2-2024.html
  12. Oh. Missed it. Unless you’re fucking with me. I don’t know.
  13. This is going to be the most obvious thing that comes out after the campaign is over. If everyone just took the time to physically touch their own ear, see how big the round was used, and not come away with the realization that’d he be way more bloody or missing part of the back of his skull, than Manti Teo wants to tell you about his girlfriend.
  14. Pat yourself on the back, please. You’re not part of the problem, smarter than everyone here, and above it all handcruisin
  15. GDP number out tomorrow, PCE out Friday. Could yo-yo. Could kill me.
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