And you are wrong.
Gen X, like most things they did in life, was half-ass but fully stupid along the way. Half-ass in school, half-ass in their careers, half-ass parenting, just half-ass effort all around. "Why campaign, when you can throw a concert and put a QR code on the screen" They raised nothing but sexually confused kids because they were scared to be dominant figures in their life regarding anything. Those who were well off then got bored and became militant leaders of the "let me in your bathroom" movement while basking in the glory of their 6 figure salaries above all everyday struggles . All of them (100%) jam things in their orifice and ask for money on the internet and if they had any actual fathers in their life that rightfully beat the shit out of that stupid, loser mentality of begging for clicks would have been saved. It should have been expected the moment a strong, straight, white, male leader came around they would gravitate to them. And instead of the Democratic Party putting them in positions of power and influence, they blamed every microagression and crime on them. Our only way out is Gavin Newsom and we can't pick him cause 85% of people here will wrongly talk about California, while ignoring where that dumb bitch Kamala was from and broke fundraising records.
and the next time one of your Gen Z kids raised by you ruh-tards delivers my food, I'll sign the doordash tip as "Get a real job"